This could be hardware issue (my Vid card is Nvidia 7950 GT OC), but trying to clear new issue I am facing.
I was doing a mini practice on "alpha channel," and everything was going good until I loaded all in Max... Displaying alpha on viewport looks Not alright..
(1) targa file (I got custom transparency BG.. don't get suprise over it~)

(2) Max views ("Perspective Viewport" vs. "Render view")

In order to double check possible missing link, I visited each pref sections (Preferences, viewport configuration, and tried both OpenGL / Direct X option) but nothing seems related with this issue.
Well, at least I can see the alpha channel is working via Render view, but it will be better if I can examine on viewport.
Thanks a lot folks,
Just having 4th fresh cup of coffee of the day...

<ul type="square">[*]Same bitmap has to be in Diffuse and Opacity.
[*]Opacity bitmap has to set Mono Channel Output = Alpha.
[*]Show Map In Viewport has to be on at the material level.
[*]Viewport Config > Rendering Method > Transparency = Best.
[*]Can't see transparency if using Shade Selected instead of Smooth & Highlights.
Found out what I was doing wrong, i think.
I had two bitmaps applied on the matrial for the plane;
One for RGB (on Diffuse slot), and the other for Alpha (on Opacity slot).
Once I applied both, I think I turned on 'Show map in Viewport' button on "Opacity layer" which turned 'Show map in viewport' button "OFF" on Root ('Standard Material' whihc was top level layer)
@ NeoShroomish,
Both OpenGL and DirectX generated same result on this issue on me...
@ EricChadwick,
Great list to keep~ Thank you!
Wished I can show pics, but imageshack is down for maintainance...
Thanks guys...
Rules I've learned to check...
<ul type="square">[*]Same bitmap has to be in Diffuse and Opacity.
[*]Opacity bitmap has to set Mono Channel Output = Alpha.
[*]Show Map In Viewport has to be on at the material level.
[*]Viewport Config > Rendering Method > Transparency = Best.
[*]Can't see transparency if using Shade Selected instead of Smooth & Highlights.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hmm...perfect for a script, eh?