Hi all, newb sheriff in town and just wanted to throw my current work out there in hope of y'all tearing it apart. i find that to be the best way to learn, so feel free to go at it. i can always cry later.
im trying to catch up on texturing, since i've put it off way too long so i started a simple sorcerer's chamber in maya as a means to get me a-learnin. i'll get some actual captures & renders soon, but i wanted to at least have something to pull in some feedback & comments.
here is the door texture to my chamber, made from the image to the right courtesy of cgtextures.com and tweaked quite a bit in PS. any comments are welcome. i'm very much interrested in fantasy/RPG's so much of my art reflects that. further, if anyone has advice/insight as to common workflows w/in the game industry that would also be helpful. i know most artist build their own textures from scratch (and im getting there slowly) but i assume they also blend elements from photos as well. the latter is the method i am currently using as a stepping stone to get me up to par.
This is looking very nice and is certainly a step in the right direction.
My biggest thoughts aren't on the texture but on the lighting. If you planned this to be just a plane as far as geometry, the light source doesn't seem to be evident. The bottom left square doesn't seem to have any lighting at all while all the others have at least some shadowing.
Also, the door and the frame feel like they're at the same space in 3d. Is the door meant to be right on level with the frame or do you see the door being set in a bit from it?
Keep at it dude!
slap it on that and show us what it looks like. thats the true testament of a texture
yes, as of now it's just a flat image thwap'd onto a 6-sider. i drummed up the texture during my down time away from maya, so i didnt layout the UVs prior. this is ass-backward i know.
good points though, there will definately be much tweaking to do. later i'll grab a capture so you can see it in 3D and we can go from there. thanks thus far, your comments were very helpful.