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Grandpa model

polycounter lvl 17
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movento polycounter lvl 17
This model has been taking way to long to be finished,and i still have work to do on the texture. It is supposed to be my grandpa.He's around 3000 tri's and has 2 512x512 texture maps (head and body).My goal is to get him into UT (2k3) but when i imported the psk (with standard ut male skeleton) in UnrealEd and tried to uplink the animations,it doesn't move for some reason.Any help on this? Crits on the model and texture are appriciated too.
as you can see i'm not a very good artist,but i'm tryinvg lol.


  • tremulant
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    tremulant polycounter lvl 17
    Hey bro, looking good.

    couple things'

    You may want to add more loops to the shoulders, The unreal characters do some crazy stuff, and you are going to see a lot of bad stretching on your model at this point.

    Second is on your texture== You have too much whiteness...Try painting in some more tones and shadow...You are also lacking much "texture"...For instance, you could add a wool hand knitted look to the sweater, and the shoes could be more leathery, add some pores in, and look at the materials you are trying to convey for reference...The face is really washed out also, just go in and paint in some different hues and shadows and don't be afraid to add more darkness...
    I have only put one character in so I probly wouldnt be much help as far as getting it to work...but I do have this

  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    you've got a lot of cuts and loops on the arms that don't seem to be doing anything for the model. I assume they're supposed to be the wrinkles and such, but they don't seem to effect the silhouette.
  • Xaltar
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    Xaltar polycounter lvl 17
    Agreed with the guys above. The wrinkles would be fine just painted on and you need to broaden your color pallet. Take a look at as many photos of your grandfather as you can get your hands on and if you can take some good shots of him yourself. Then spend a few days looking at the colors in the skin and the way the creases and shadows work. Hell you could even photo source your texture and then paint over it or just use it as a reff, all of this is good practice. If you are serious about 3d you should also look into getting a tablet (if you don't already have one) and then spend a lot of time drawing with it from anatomy books and references.

    Hope this helps
  • movento
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    movento polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for the comments.Here's a small update on the face,sorry for the angle but it's because i haven't worked on the other side.I watched that video for ut export but my character still doesn't move.it might have something to do with the rig,i'll look into that soon.
  • ryuju
    try looking through this tutorial, its very helpful, I used it to put a character i made into UT.
  • rybeck
    Wow,,, great Tutorial..
    Thanks a lot~

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