The Polycounter Job Census is on the Polycount Wiki: is a list of Polycount members who are employed full-time in game development, and where they work. It is not meant as an exhaustive list, as it doesn't include our freelancers (see
Artist Looking For Work), digital marketplace creators, hobbyists, students, etc.
To update your company, edit the wiki page. Or feel free to post a reply in this thread and eventually someone will make sure it gets there.
If anyone else has spotted their info as being incorrect, let me know.
Malekyth - Titan (Seattle, WA)
Modeling_Man - Harmonix (Boston, MA)
Sectaurs - Tencent Boston (Maynard, MA)
tokidokizenzen - kicking ass freelance style
Thanks for keeping this up to date guys.
Thanks dude
On another note I never got added ;D
TT Fusion (Manchester, UK)
(theres more members here but there bloody quiet ;p )
I have a TT Games listing... Would that by any chance be the same as TT Fusion. SHEPEIRO is listed there.
Cheers for the update Casey.
if so SCEA san diego
Fixed and fixed.
ChainsawXIV - Raven
TelekineticFrog - Cryptic
Xeto - Trion
I'm starting at Streamline Studios in a month.
edit: Razorbladder still needs to be added to the very same company as well.
Tech Support Artist
Crytek, Frankfrut, Germany
Massbot, the link is posted is broken.
CGBot (Monterrey N.L. , Mexico)
now at:
Majesco Studios Santa Monica (Santa Monica, Ca)
Zombie to
Snowblind Studios (Bothell, WA)
start the 28th
Starting Feb 1st!
Started at Monumental Games in Nottingham early january!
ruiz - aka opium
Theres another polycounter here but I can't remember his forum name
Karl Stjernberg is he. Thats his forum name too.
Shepeiro - they gave your own bin!?! I might come downstairs to check that out