The Polycounter Job Census is on the Polycount Wiki: is a list of Polycount members who are employed full-time in game development, and where they work. It is not meant as an exhaustive list, as it doesn't include our freelancers (see
Artist Looking For Work), digital marketplace creators, hobbyists, students, etc.
To update your company, edit the wiki page. Or feel free to post a reply in this thread and eventually someone will make sure it gets there.
Thank you
In fact, you can remove SOE - Seattle!
So me and Skeptical Nate no longer work at Super Villain Studios.
By the way, thanks for keeping this job census up all the years! (thumbs up emoticon)
Add me to Climax Studios, portsmouth uk
I start at 38 Studios this Friday.
Grats Southpaw!
Thanks haiddasalami! Great bunch of folks over here
I am now working at Funcom!
oh dear
I got a new job as a junior modeler/animator(rotomation artist) at Gener8 degital media
not a game studio but a awesome film studio.
Got hired by Larian Studios
haha tnx ^^
congrats! not very surprised though your work is amazing