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Slow Autosaves in Max

polycounter lvl 13
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Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
I borrowed a Max file from someone else, and every 5 minutes or so when the auto-save kicks on it takes forever (15 seconds maybe) and locks out the interface. I've not had this problem with Max files before. I've deleted much of the geometry he had and removed the shades from the scene, but I've had way more geometry in a scene before and never had this problem. Is there something else I can do to cut down on this slowdown?

It's driving me nuts.

Actually, I suppose I could merge the stuff I need into a new scene, so whatever scenefile information that's causing the problem is left in the old file.

Why does Max do this?!?


  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Can't offer support on this, I disable autosave :P

    You can try garbage cleanup, though.

    do the following to clean a scene:

    - Open the Xref object dialog, then close it
    - Open the Xref scene dialog, then close it
    - In the maxscript listener in the bottom left, enter "gc()" and hit enter
  • jgarland
    Actually, Vassago may be right on the money. Why not just disable autosave altogether, just for the time being? It can be useful in some cases, but as long as you're adamant about saving your work every half-hour or so, you should be fine.
  • diminished_Self
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    diminished_Self polycounter lvl 12
    we ran into this ALOT when ppl used the normal bump method of displaying normals in their scenes. drove me batty until we figured it out, and made ppl use standardfx instead.
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