I have been playing around with unreal ed trying to to make volume lights and searched the net for this but I haven't found a tutorial that describes how to make volume lights in unreal ed. Is this possible? What's a good way of doing this? I'm playing around with the lighting and trying to add fog to this dungeon at the moment.
The basic idea for the scene is that the viewer is inside a cell in a dungeon watching a few people getting slowly roasted over a torture pit. The viewer can see light coming from the outside world. Let me know what you think. The current scene is just learning how to use the editor, the final scene will have custom textures and props.
Dungeon with current lighting. Trying to add shafts of lights coming through hole in the roof and the entrance. There is red light coming from a pit from the hole in the ground. People get put over this hole and are slowly allowed to burn.
Photoshop edit to show the effect I'm trying to make.
Thanks in advance.
You could fake it fairly convincingly with some smart use of alpha planes. and that'd allow you to have some dust motes and things too
EDIT: beaten be Aesir
You could also use a projection to put the light onto the ground / walls if needed.
quick paintover.