hello I have a assignment thats needs to be done as quickly as humanly possible.
I almost finished uv mapping and saved. went for lunch and when I came back and open maya 8.5 the uvs where like this, a mess.
please help, thanks didnt know where else to go

to fix open the corrupted scene select all uvs scale em all a bit (might also work with translating or rotating) than press the undo key and they jump into the positions where they were when you saved the file.
if you have opened the scene in the mean time , changed something and saved it than it is FUCKED for good so get a fresh UNCHANGED corrupted scene out of your incremental save folder ...
this happened all the time with my levels on my last project (maya 6.0)
the first time i went through the hassle of reuving the entire level (over 1 million tris ) the second time i accidently discovered this fix and was MEGA happy it is rare that you get a 1 button fixes all solution.
in the uv mapping progress i saved 3 seperate files, all who had corrupt uvs...
(ps i never made a second uv set so thats not how it started) one said I might have had to much in the history.
Thanks again guys!
this might also help i don't know