I've been working with morph targets in MAX 8 for the past while and noticed something very annoying. I found that when I collapsed an object's modifier stack, where the morpher modifier was in the stack, the object would suddenly become a resource hog. My file size would go up a few megabytes, the saving time would increase dramatically and max just ran slowly when the object was selected. Is there a way to remove the data from my object that's slowing down max? I've tried converting the object to edit poly a number of times and also reset the x-form, but nothing happens. I can actually do a work around for now, but I'd still like to know if it's possible to fix this issue.
If you are using biped and you could have excess collections.
If you notice the file size is also getting bigger than it should or it takes an unusually long time to save your scene, you might have an execess number of BIP Collections. If you merge bi-ped's (and sometimes non bi-ped objects) into a scene it will load extra collections and cause max to chug while saving and sometimes crash.
Click a BiPed object
Click the Motion tab
Go to the copy paste roll out
Under the Copy Collections drop down menu, click the right icon (hand pointing to a piece of paper) called Max Load Perferances.
Uncheck Upon Max File Load: load collections
Save and open your file again, check the drop down menu and you should have ZERO collecitons and the file size should be much smaller.
If for some reason you need all those collections you should turn off the auto snap shot feature as all those snap shots are stored in the max file and are contributing to the large file size and memory hogging.