Hey all I haven't post in awhile, but I thought I could get the best feedback/ crits from here to strengthen my enviroment/ asset work skills.
I've been told countless times that it's best to focus more on environments when you're first starting to look for a job in the industry (I still have 3 years before job looking official starts) but I really want to get a head start.
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I made this earlier today, and I actually really really enjoyed it. At this point I'm calling it done, but I want to do know what aspects I need to improve on. I haven't really touched enviroment work yet, so any and all crits will help a lot.
Thanks again all
keep t up !
looks ok , but why did you paint lightning on the metal panels on top in the diffuse texture ? it is making it look weird , same goes to the specular, the specular could be colored and you should study specular maps a bit more, since they make everything pop Also an AO bake wouldnt be bad eheh.
keep t up !
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What do you mean paint on top (lighting) ?
Also with spec maps, I'm still not completely sure how they work (as of how colour affects spec maps) And AO = Light map right? I did render one off then... unless its something completely different.
Thanks for the crits.
Don't paint light info on the specmap either, as I said, your ingame engine will do it for you, the thing that is very useful, however is to multiply an AO map on top of your diffuse and spec to fake depth/light intensity loss due to the depth variations of the asset.
use color in your specmap, will add a lot
add a separate heightmap too to add smaller details like scratches, paint chipoffs, etc, most engine can compute an heightmap on top of a normal map so that will not take extra ressources ingame but the cool thing is that you can give a custom value to the heightmap, thus make the details stronger or not on the fly without affecting the source normalmap.
your panel doesn't tile !! that's a huge issue too, that tube is up on one side, down on the other, this tube is also worth extra polies to make it pop out, such a big thing, if rendered flat looks bad, I'd even say map it straight, on a side of your texture instead of on the top of your panel, that will let you easily make variations of panels with different looking/cut tubes, seems like nothing but that can add a lot.
the glow map can be half the size too, no need to waste ressources for something that looks better blurred anyways
AO is not a light map though, it's more like a dirt map or a global illumination bake from your high to your low, makes the whole texturing process a bit easier and adds a lot of information, can be used to fake global illumination too (that's the 1 percent left from the don't paint light on your diffuse thing)
hope that helps
Good stuff there, just get rid of the painted lighting
As for colour on spec maps, I still don't know how it affects the overall spec, can someone please help me on that.
I did render out an AO map (the diffuse shows it the best i think) and just overlayed on top of the diffuse to help add more depth.
So the BIG NO NO is don't paint lights on diffuse, spec etc. and let the engine handle the lighting. Could I get the same affect if I setup lighting in 3d Max (tuts)?
Vahl, if I were to use Crazybump, could I render out a Height Map? And are Height maps because different from say a Displacement/ Normal map?
As for making stuff tileable, again... its all new to me so I have to figure that out as well. Like I said, I'm crazy new to this enviroment stuff.