after my wreck last year in my Mazda rx-8 it has never been the same, little problems here and there, leading me to believe that it would soon die on me. also getting tired of paying out hte ass for gas. tonite i went and got me a 07 toyota prius pretty much maxed out with options. i'm loving it so far. this isnt mine but i don't have pics yet.

Eh.. already gave you a hard time about it on the irc, so, yah.
Don't blame you for getting rid of the rx8, been in a somewhat similar situation before and it's definitely a relief to be free of a ride that makes you go "oh crap oh crap oh crap, what's gonna break NEXT?". Still.. you made sure to hand over your manhood on the way out the door, right?
Prius after a rx-8 huh? That has to be an adjustment in driving habits? They get good MPG because they randomly shut off causing you to push it. At least they made them light weight...
Honestly its a smart buy and they are pretty good cars. 2 people I know have a Prius and they love em. They did complain about horsepower at first and I would imagine that could be a shock going from an rx-8 to a Prius. I would be tempted to get a crotch rocket just to feel the wind in my hair =P
Ok I'm done pokin ya =P
so what's the top speed on this bad boy? ever take it off any sweet jumps?
[/ QUOTE ]
I realize that you are joking but you would be surprised at how much power these cars actually have. Right after we bought ours my wife and I drove it from Portland down to SF to visit her family. I was blowing past people going through the mountains in southern Oregon / Northern California. The best part was blowing past a Hum-V as we went up a long, steep hill and waving as we passed. We also got an average of 45 mpg for the trip, with running the AC most of the time
airbag lights constantly showing error, not able to be reset by mechanics
trouble starting, even had to recently get a new battery cause it was not charging properly.
one of the wheel well covers fell off as i was driving
rattles all over the place.
sometimes the engine fan won't shut off and just runs forever and kills batterys
sometimes it would not shift, just redline and whine .
i had my fling with the x8 and it was mostly fun, but it got to the point where i got the feeling it was going to die soon, and i didnt want to be stuck with a dead car and a lot of bills
on the pluss side i've driven 50 miles so far and have not seen the gas level budge.
its got soooooo many crazy extras in it,, stuff ive never seen in a car. and i'm happy