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Huscarl Viking + New Webpage/Portfolio

polycounter lvl 18
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jRocket polycounter lvl 18
Big, bulky, and wrapped in the latest chainmail fashion, the Huscarl is part of elite class of Viking warriors. In addition to carrying an axe capable of splitting a man in half, he has several throwing axes, a sword, and a big wooden round shield. His chain shirt and engraved headpiece are not only the envy of the other vikings, they're also practical on the battlefield!

This model was made in 3ds max and mudbox, for the game Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II. The high res chainmail that was used for the normal mapping actually consists of individual rings that was placed around the body by making clever use of cloth simulation.


I have also put up a new portfolio in hopes of finding a job in games. I have tried to keep it simple with as few section as possible. Any comments would be welcome!


  • Ancient-Pig
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    Ancient-Pig polycounter lvl 18
    Hey man - good job at keeping the viking historically accurate. They're quite boring aren't they?!!? :P I've been in the same boat with making a viking, and I got so bored I just couldn't finish...


    His color is pretty washed out.. needs to be punched up a bit.

    The fabric on his upper leggings is huge

    The chains on his chainmail are small (and hard to read)

    He needs more 'oomph' in his design. I read the description about how he's feared, and how his chainmail does this, and his axe does that... but I'm not seeing it. It comes off as pretty 'stock' to me

    You forgot his the pupil and iris on the texture

    I'd be curious to find out how you did the chain link models all over his body so seamlessly...

  • jRocket
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    jRocket polycounter lvl 18
    Ah you're right. Here is the concept I used. I could probably stuff a bunch of random bags or sacks on him to make him more interesting. The upper leggings are supposed to be a little more baggy, but I might have went overboard.

    I went into a bit more detail about how I made the chains on my webpage. Basically, I just used a skin wrap to have sheets of chains 'follow' the a lower poly sheet, and then I used Cloth on the lower poly sheets to have it conform to the shape of the body. Since the high poly chains are skin wrapped to the cloth sheets, they will follow into place. Of course, it needs some manual adjustments where the seems are, but it is still a lot faster than placing every chain :P (which was my original plan)

    Oh, and the eyes are white because there is a separate in-game shader that handles eye movement and glint.
  • Sean McBride
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    Sean McBride polycounter lvl 18
    Personally, I think he looks best in game! Which is great because thats what really counts in the end.

    That mod team is lucky to have you, you've done some great stuff for them and you've showed real improvement over the last couple of models. Keep it up. smile.gif
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