How do you make eg 256x512 textures? The problem is that when I create a texture that size in Photoshop, max stretches the 256x512 to become 512x512 because the UV space is 1x1. How do I change this?
I'm sorry for the dumb question but I can't find the answer on google or this site. I think I'm using the wrong terms.
Thanks for your time!
IMHO this is much more straightforward than arranging over two squares and scaling down. under the tutorials section
Awesome guys, thanks!
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No problem...hope it helps...
Awesome guys, thanks!
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No problem...hope it helps...
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Yes, it worked
Edit: Could someone please tell me how to get the UVs into photoshop as vectors?
Try PSD Path Unwrapper from that page.
maps? i'm forced to use normalize clusters, which is bugged.
i'd love to set the scale to about 1/5th of the UVW space,
it would save time that i'd otherwise spend scaling down, and correcting the unfold mapping stuck corner bug.
and as a bonus, i'd get UV spaces that are perfectly aligned to eachother.
unfold mapping is very helpful when unwrapping primitives, which i do a lot of when creating mechanical models, and UV distortion is non-existent.
besides, the time difference is massive. about 5 seconds with a raw unfold, vs 1 minute with a raw pelt, on a regular box.
since i'm mostly working with primitives like simple chamfered boxes, and cylinders, this is a massive timesaver.
(yes, i timed it)