I've created and re-created this character several times, the original was for a very short cartoon, he was just kind of an easy to draw character to see if I could use photoshop and a tablet to make cartoons. Turns out I suck at it, you can see the proof
my friends all cracked up, not at the ball hitting the character...or in fact any of the animation, but at the ending being so sudden. But the fact that people enjoyed it, made me want to continue the story. So I storyboarded a sequel that never really got started because of school and what-not. But, I've decide to go ahead and not only create the sequel, but redo the original in 3d and hopefully create a series of short animations starring the pessimist, each one will be titled "I hate ***"
As you can see, I already rigged him. I want to create blend shapes next but I have a question before I start:
When I duplicate the model(it's in seperate parts:body, arms, legs, pupils)do I have to duplicate the skeleton too?
And do I have to duplicate each part, or just the parts I want to create blend shapes for? And Is there an easy way to animate oddly shaped eyes?
And help, comments, or critiques will be appreciated.
Edit: Please note that I have no target poly limit. The model will be smoothed in my final animations.
It has a lengthy intro, the actual animation is only about a minute long... You can see my rough animatic version there too if you're interested. Just search VanDookie