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max NEXT gen Slow issue?

polycounter lvl 18
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seforin polycounter lvl 18
hey I dont know if anyone has ran into this issue but ive ran into it every time I build a mesh extremly high poly and I get to the low poly fazes where im building aroudn that mesh where my file gets so big/ huge that Hitting CTRL + Z takes 5 minutes a time, and since your building the low poly you know thats a trial and error thing, is there a way to fix this , I tried merging the scene into a new file and that didnt work? Also I do have the mesh broken up into sections so I can build it easier so geometry isnt all on my screen at the same but even then ctrl+Z takes forever both on my pc and my laptop, PLEASE PLEASE help with this, its slowing the progress of my current character BADLY! ooo.gif


  • mvelasquez
    you dont need the full resolution highpoly mesh for building the lowpoly. Just run an optimize modifier on it. You'll still have the general shape.
  • indian_boy
    i have the same problem, except this happens when i activate Direct X Viewport Display. Then, even if i turn it off, the problem continues. its a very irritating problem with max 9 [never had it with max 8, but im not reverting :P]
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    yup, it is a hideous bug that when you have directx enabled, undo takes forever and often crashes.
    I really wish they would sort out this issue
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    indian_boy, Ruz: Yeah, that's an annoying bug - however if you use the DirectX Shader material rather than checking "DX Display of Viewport Material" or whatever, it runs fine. Plus DX shaders are more customisable than just checking that box. I always use JIStyle's skin shader now, works perfectly.

    Seforin: It may be the DX Display material issue causing max's undos to be slow, but if you're not using the DX display material, then yeah do what MVelasquez said (or just use a lower-level export from zbrush or mudbox if that's the problem) ... since you only need the rough silhouette for matching up the lowpoly mesh for baking, rather than needing to see every little sculpted and subdivided detail.
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    FAT_CAP polycounter lvl 18
    If you setup your DirectX material in Max and save it as a .fx material, you can load it up as a DirectX material- like MOP says and avoid all the horrible slowdown of the pink DirectX checkbox of doom.
  • indian_boy
    thanks MoP! only i can't get JI Styles' towork the way i want to... ahh well, i shall experiment till i drop dead!

    thanks again!
  • fritz
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    fritz polycounter lvl 18
    indian_boy, what probs are you having?
  • indian_boy
    well. like the colouring is all weird. if i place the light [omni] right in front of the guy, the guy doesn't get lit. if i put the light all the way to the side, he kinda gets lit. diffse map in this case is just the occlusion map, while the normals map is the correct normals map, and all these problems happen. there is no 'sub-map' or anything, just editing the different tabs of the shader.

    i think i just need a proper tutorial for it.
  • indian_boy
    an example of what im saying [sorry for the thread-jack]
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    well if I disable the direct X I can continue to build my low poly around my mesh without a issue? I mean I'll just reset my material browser and then from there I'll just build my low poly until its done from there.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    Update: I tried to disable Direct X and reset the material browser and set all my normal maps to have just plain materials and I still ran into the same issues, anyone know what else I can do? I was building stuff at first without having issues of hiting ctrl Z when I first started doing my low poly, im about half way now and now its acting up...does anyone know whats up? Oh yea forgot to mention this is max 8 SP 3?
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    A Friend of mine was telling me there is a way to delete the history of the high poly mesh similar to XSI ? Im not sure how true this is because he said honestly he cant remember how to do this, this ring any bells to anyone?
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    ok I got fustrated went back to a save file that didnt have the CTRL+ Z issue exported all my low polys out as OBJ files and one by one imported them all back into the copy and now I can work at a decent speed again. Still uber stupid what happened with it
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    I do realise about the dx shader being faster, but I like to work in max standard materials and its a pain to have to customise anything really.
    If I am not mistaken you can't load psd files in to the custom dx shaders. I will go and look:)
  • Mark Dygert
    What was the file size on the version that would take 5min to undo?
    What is the file size now?
    Did you have the material editor open and how many shaders did it have in it?
    By any chance did you have a biped in your scene? It could have had a mother F-Ton of collections that needed to be cleaned out.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    file size was about 25-30ish megs I think? but Ironic file size now that runs it without the slow down is 34 megs , I had only 1 DX shader open that I kept floping normal map tests out on to test the pieces as I rendered it out one by one.No biped as of yet, and yea im not all to sure What the shit was wrong with it
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