Hey guys, i know this forum is primarily digital 2d/3d but i know there are some traditional animators as well. I've been asked to teach a summer traditional animation camp to kids aged 9-12 and I'm in need of some cheap or easily constructable light tables (and if possible cheap pegbars aswell)
I still have my 10F portotrace, the case is metal and is a bit heavier than the plastic light box.
plastic pegbars can be bought for a buck or two in packs of 10 or 20
If you're thinking about building them to teach some kind of class, you MIGHT be able to get some places to donate the supplies.
It's a left over bit of equipment from my architect days. I recently put it up in my local craig's list listings, but haven't managed to make a sale yet. It's a full on professional studio bit of furniture. Top tilts up and all that. It is awesome. But as I haven't touched it for 7-8 years I figured it was time to stick it on the market and get it out of my spare room. Not that I'm expecting anyone from here to buy it... just waxing nostalgic on one of my old bits of history.
thanks guys
There's a bit of info on scanner light tables.
While i'm at it, would anyone have some suggestions for simple exercises to get the kids into the material without scaring them away?
So far i've got:
-post it note flipbook
-ball bounce
-bomb explosion.
I'm working with a 2 hour time frame twice a week, so I cant get into anything too complex or time consuming.
Gagne Porta-Trace
Artograph Lightracer
I mainly need some ideas for the on film portion...
I've got the ball bounce, penny walk, and explosion, still need 2-3 more ideas
cat/dog running/walking;
open choice of what do they want to animate?
baseball and golf swings are also good more advanced exercises.
thanks for the memories. Ah, the days before computers eh?