yuk, Sure the art as been better the last few seasons, but honestly after like the fourth or 5 seasons it was just meh for me, so fucking 2hours of MEH, DELETE!
Im really not a big fan of the Simpsons, quite frankly i found it hard to watch this show, the jokes are childish and grotesque. Im going to stay away from the movie so i don't get sick or else.
This is my opinion only i have fully respect for those who like them.
I'm guessing that English isn't your first language, because childish though *some* of the gags can be, the clever thing about the Simpsons has always been its multi-layered nature. Theres something in there for all ages, and the deeper political and social commentary stuff whilst far from childish, isn't screamingly obvious to all.
Really enjoyed the movie, very funny at times, although I didn't find it completely hysterical. I was really surprised at how much 3D they used actually, not sure how I feel about it.
Thumbs up from me. Definitely worth a watch for any Simpsons fans!
regarding the 3d..I thought the trailer was quite funny.. I wonder if it was intentionally ironic? they show a cute bunny in 3d hopping around, then squash it and say 'the new simpsons movie.. in 2d!'
then straight afterwards they show homer speeding along in a 3d demolition vehicle
Honestly rooster I dont think that was meant to be irony no. I don't think the audience was 'meant' to spot the 3D, and I'd imagine they used it for time reasons. I mentioned the 3D to my fiancee after the movie, and her response was 'oh, it was? It looked like the cartoon to me' so there you have it from a layperson
Great movie, enjoyed it a tonne. Though I'd been hoping for a conclusive end that would give some closure to the series. Oh well, I can live with sequels. :P
Yea, I agree with Daz. The 3D was all done to look 2D. You'd likely have to have an eye for it to really notice.
And snap.crackle.pop... like Daz said, Simpson's has very clever and multilayered humour. It was actually used as a teaching device by likely the most strict teacher I had in my school days for its social commentary.
Whilst I haven't seen the film, for me, the 3d is easily obvious in both the trailer for this, and futurama. Futurama uses it extensively and its WAY obvious.
I'm guessing that English isn't your first language
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't know what to say, i was raised in Montana and speak proper english and french over that, thanks to my mother.
Like i said the Simpsons is a good attraction for lots of people, but not for everybody, it simply doesn't fit for me.
But hey! my opinion on the Simpsons is so important that if ever it differ from yours, you better let me know and post about it.
I think what he was meaning that since you didn't seem to notice the levels of humour, it was possibly because of lack of fluency with the language (which apparently is not the case).
I suspect he's not bashing you because of a differeing opinion, but suggesting taking a closer look. I've noticed as I've watched throught he years I've gradually picked up on different things, such as more subtle jokes about religion and politics.
Of corse i noticed the level of humour. Try to interpret it more like.
Hola Dudes, can't wait to watch it too stoned with 12 of my homies and laugh my butt off, but for now i'll wait, and let you guys that saw the movie talk about it. kekeke!!!
I've noticed as I've watched throught he years I've gradually picked up on different things, such as more subtle jokes about religion and politics.
[/ QUOTE ]
That's what I love about the Simpsons (at least seasons 1-9); I can watch the same episodes over and over because I'm always catching jokes that I missed before. For example, recently I watched an episode were something horrible happened, and Barney (the drunk) exclaimed, "Jesus must be rolling in his grave!" I never caught that joke despite having seen the episode probably a dozen or so times (I probably never caught it before because I'm not a Christian, and didn't see what was wrong with the statement).
I'm feeling a bit ambivalent about the movie, though. I find it depressing how much the show has gone down hill in the last half a decade. They brought Swartzwelder back for the movie (who I think deserves a lot of the credit for what made the Simpsons so great in its prime... the downward spiral of the show also happens to coincide with Swartzwelder's dwindling involvement and eventual departure from the show), but I still have reservations about going to see the movie.
Snap, you described the Simpsons humour as childish, and I noticed Montreal as your location, so I simply assumed language was the barrier preventing you from picking up on the depth that the Simpsons show is well known for. Apologies If that's not the case. It wasn't intended to insult.
If you have an interest in discovering how layered the show can be, I suggest watching some of it. If you don't have that interest, there's probably little point in replying to a thread about the movie, more so If you haven't actually er, *seen* the movie
just saw it and it was pretty good. The humor really was spread out for the ages.. The 3d was used well to the point I didn't even stop to think about it when I saw it. The story was perfect for a movie, since it would have been a tad rushed and out of place for a tv episode. There were a ton of kids in the theatre with the rest of their family and everyone laughed and seemed to have fun, so I believe the movie has done a great job.
I agree with Daz on the 3d bits. It was like watching Futurama with a coating of Simpsons on top. I'm a huge fan and that really bothered me. They used 3d in the tv show the last few episodes of last season. But that has never been a staple of the Simpsons. It's been hordes of Korean animators. I think they just should have went that route.
My mother-in-law was here visiting so this is the first movie the wife and I have gotten out to see since Draven was born 8 months ago.
I absolutely LOVED it. It was everything I could have wanted in a Simpson's movie; a really good, 90 minute, commercial free Simpson's episode. I also really appreciated the fact that they didn't go overboard with the language or themes even though they could have since it was a movie.
Bear in mind I am a big Simpson's fanboy though and still watch the series weekly. It would have had to be pretty terrible for me to have not enjoyed it.
I'm an avid fan of the first 9-10 seasons (well, we will see if I like 10.. it comes out in a week!) I used to watch it all of the time on tv.. but the last like.. 8 years of it I didn't really care for and frankly stayed away from due to its.. not as good nature.. I didn't want to ruin the series for me.
but I went and saw the movie, and it was way better than I was expecting.. i really didn't think it would turn out to be that good, but it was great.
recommended for any fan of the simpsons
edit*: and I agree, the animation didn't feel anything like simpsons.. but I guess they wanted to pull out all the stops since it was a movie.. personally I enjoy the flat colors of classic simpsons.. just FEELs like simpsons to me
Great movie, but my only problem is it seemed so fast paced.
There was some direction change at some point in the series, where the jokes were quicker and the plot moved faster, and the movie had more of a new simpsons style than the old classic ones.
If you're a fan then it's worth seeing on the big screen. It's Simpson's FUN on a grand scale..that's all. If you're not a fan, why post? It's not meant to be some Epic Spielbergian accomplishment...just a gotdam cartoon. Sheesh!
i personally felt like they were trying to take a leaf off of the family guy tree with some of the jokes in there.
overall the movie is overhyped. it was a good way to kill 2 hours, but at teh same time, i can think of things i would have rather been doing at the time.
"The Simpsons, longest-running cartoon on American prime-time network television, chronicles the animated adventures of Homer Simpson and his family. Debuting on the FOX network in 1989, critically acclaimed, culturally cynical and economically very successful, The Simpsons helped to define the satirical edge of prime-time television in the early 1990s and was the single most influential program in establishing FOX as a legitimate broadcast television network."
Completely disapointed, felt watered down and the story was so forced in. I didnt laugh as much as i do watching re runs of any of the 30 minute tv shows. almost every scene felt detached from the one before it. did not flow at all. one of the few movies i wish i could go back in time and avoid.
"The Simpsons, longest-running cartoon on American prime-time network television, chronicles the animated adventures of <u>Homer Simpson</u> and his family."
[/ QUOTE ]
^^^my empahsis^^^
i think this shows a bit of why people think the show has gone downhill. the show used to be mostly about Bart getting into and out of trouble. then it became a show about how stupid Homer is. admittedly i haven't watched the show in years but the previews for the movie seem to support that it's still about how stupid Homer is.
This is my opinion only i have fully respect for those who like them.
the jokes are childish and grotesque
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm guessing that English isn't your first language, because childish though *some* of the gags can be, the clever thing about the Simpsons has always been its multi-layered nature. Theres something in there for all ages, and the deeper political and social commentary stuff whilst far from childish, isn't screamingly obvious to all.
Really enjoyed the movie, very funny at times, although I didn't find it completely hysterical. I was really surprised at how much 3D they used actually, not sure how I feel about it.
Thumbs up from me. Definitely worth a watch for any Simpsons fans!
then straight afterwards they show homer speeding along in a 3d demolition vehicle
Yea, I agree with Daz. The 3D was all done to look 2D. You'd likely have to have an eye for it to really notice.
And snap.crackle.pop... like Daz said, Simpson's has very clever and multilayered humour. It was actually used as a teaching device by likely the most strict teacher I had in my school days for its social commentary.
I'm guessing that English isn't your first language
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't know what to say, i was raised in Montana and speak proper english and french over that, thanks to my mother.
Like i said the Simpsons is a good attraction for lots of people, but not for everybody, it simply doesn't fit for me.
But hey! my opinion on the Simpsons is so important that if ever it differ from yours, you better let me know and post about it.
I suspect he's not bashing you because of a differeing opinion, but suggesting taking a closer look. I've noticed as I've watched throught he years I've gradually picked up on different things, such as more subtle jokes about religion and politics.
Of corse i noticed the level of humour. Try to interpret it more like.
:humour: :humour: :humour: :humour:
I've noticed as I've watched throught he years I've gradually picked up on different things, such as more subtle jokes about religion and politics.
[/ QUOTE ]
That's what I love about the Simpsons (at least seasons 1-9); I can watch the same episodes over and over because I'm always catching jokes that I missed before. For example, recently I watched an episode were something horrible happened, and Barney (the drunk) exclaimed, "Jesus must be rolling in his grave!" I never caught that joke despite having seen the episode probably a dozen or so times (I probably never caught it before because I'm not a Christian, and didn't see what was wrong with the statement).
I'm feeling a bit ambivalent about the movie, though. I find it depressing how much the show has gone down hill in the last half a decade. They brought Swartzwelder back for the movie (who I think deserves a lot of the credit for what made the Simpsons so great in its prime... the downward spiral of the show also happens to coincide with Swartzwelder's dwindling involvement and eventual departure from the show), but I still have reservations about going to see the movie.
If you have an interest in discovering how layered the show can be, I suggest watching some of it. If you don't have that interest, there's probably little point in replying to a thread about the movie, more so If you haven't actually er, *seen* the movie
I must've been completely out of my mind, i just used the internet.
Not me tho, ENglish is for wankers.
All your posts are the result of you just randomly mashing buttons
I absolutely LOVED it. It was everything I could have wanted in a Simpson's movie; a really good, 90 minute, commercial free Simpson's episode. I also really appreciated the fact that they didn't go overboard with the language or themes even though they could have since it was a movie.
Bear in mind I am a big Simpson's fanboy though and still watch the series weekly. It would have had to be pretty terrible for me to have not enjoyed it.
I'm an avid fan of the first 9-10 seasons (well, we will see if I like 10.. it comes out in a week!) I used to watch it all of the time on tv.. but the last like.. 8 years of it I didn't really care for and frankly stayed away from due to its.. not as good nature.. I didn't want to ruin the series for me.
but I went and saw the movie, and it was way better than I was expecting.. i really didn't think it would turn out to be that good, but it was great.
recommended for any fan of the simpsons
edit*: and I agree, the animation didn't feel anything like simpsons.. but I guess they wanted to pull out all the stops since it was a movie.. personally I enjoy the flat colors of classic simpsons.. just FEELs like simpsons to me
ending was epic.
There was some direction change at some point in the series, where the jokes were quicker and the plot moved faster, and the movie had more of a new simpsons style than the old classic ones.
I've been watching The Simpson's since they were a short on the Tracy Ullman show:
The snazzier graphics didn't bother me a bit
has some stills from the movie but nothing you haven't seen in the trailers.
overall the movie is overhyped. it was a good way to kill 2 hours, but at teh same time, i can think of things i would have rather been doing at the time.
It was like a Disney movie with the Simpsons characters.
corv, I think you may have missed something.
"The Simpsons, longest-running cartoon on American prime-time network television, chronicles the animated adventures of <u>Homer Simpson</u> and his family."
[/ QUOTE ]
^^^my empahsis^^^
i think this shows a bit of why people think the show has gone downhill. the show used to be mostly about Bart getting into and out of trouble. then it became a show about how stupid Homer is. admittedly i haven't watched the show in years but the previews for the movie seem to support that it's still about how stupid Homer is.