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Screws/screwholes normalmaps - minimizing work



  • JKMakowka
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    JKMakowka polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I hope everyone is alright with my doing this, if not, speak up.

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    Personally I would really like to keep this is in 1st an open and 2nd an "generic" modeling forum like polycount to ensure "outside" traffic.

    But of course there is noone stopping you from mirroring these models on your page.

    Edit: Oh and really nice stuff there Ben, looking forward to what else you can contribute.

    Edit2: @Ghostscape contribute the stuff you have at home anyways, who knows what use it might have wink.gif
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I hope everyone is alright with my doing this, if not, speak up.

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    Personally I would really like to keep this is in 1st an open and 2nd an "generic" modeling forum like polycount to ensure "outside" traffic.

    But of course there is noone stopping you from mirroring these models on your page.

    Edit: Oh and really nice stuff there Ben, looking forward to what else you can contribute.

    Edit2: @Ghostscape contribute the stuff you have at home anyways, who knows what use it might have wink.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Okay, I'll submit it later. It's just that everything is so completely basic that I don't think it will be of much use.
  • Rob Galanakis
    [ QUOTE ]
    Personally I would really like to keep this is in 1st an open and 2nd an "generic" modeling forum like polycount to ensure "outside" traffic.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Well like I said, the forum will be open in 2 weeks or so. As far as traffic, its completely open to 'outside' traffic and we usually have around 800+ people online at a time. If I had a better option for hosting outside of TWC I would, but the infrastructure is already set up.


    Here are some historically accurate to-scale fittings I made for a legionnaire recently. Its mostly for his lorica segmentata, the leftmost 2 objects are for Imperial Gallic helmet fittings.

  • EarthQuake
    Ok found a little bit of time to whip up a few quick ones
  • Ghostscape
    Offline / Send Message
    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    could we have one person (who has webspace) collect all these obj files, and put them all into a single .obj file that can be continually added to?
  • JKMakowka
    Offline / Send Message
    JKMakowka polycounter lvl 18
    Na, generic is good in this case smile.gif

    Oh btw just to make sure, everyone agrees that all contributions are released to the public domain, right?

    Edit: hmm a single .obj? I was actually thinking about seperating them into individual .objs with a screenshot of the same name in a .zip archive or something like that... maybe with subdirectories sorted by topic?
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Only problem with either of those solutions, is that it requires someone to do it. I don't think anybody wants to read through the forums each and every day to find new model pieces to merge/detach into joined files.

    I think each person should upload their model (which may have multiple pieces, with a screen shot. That's about the best you can do.
  • Rob Galanakis
    aesir and Vassago: Please check out http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?t=113650 (the forum password is "warden" )

    Any work posted in this thread I'll add. I'll have an admin remove the password for the forum, and the forum itself will be public in a week or two (its awaiting some more additions), but feel free to give out the link.
  • indian_boy
    Prof... i knew i'd seen somebody with the same username in those forums. i shoulda' known it was u!

    i'd like to say to all u guys that u deserve a very big set of applause. for giving out ur models like this, allowing others to not slave away when making their models.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    I wouldn't put them all into one big OBJ file, because then it's more effort to break off the one you want, orient it's origin in order to clone it around etc etc.
    Makes more sense to have each one as it's own OBJ file with their pivot at 0,0,0, with a screenshot like JKMakowka said.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Mop: thats a good point, but the reason I'd want it as a single obj file is that I can have a much more easy time simply opening up a single file and searching around for cool pieces that I want to use, rather than looking through a library of a couple hundred .obj files and opening them up one by one until I find the piece I want to use. Or even if I planned ahead and DLed the screenshot along with the obj file and gave them the same names, I'd still have to open and merge from lots of different files. Not to mention that downloading a ton of individual obj files is gonna take a while... so many clicks.

    Its just a preference thing in the end though.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    I was thinking more that a page could have thumbnail images of the object, with a link to the related obj/zip.
  • dom
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    dom polycounter lvl 18
    If you guys are cool with it, I can upload it at 3dcreature.com and have a direct link from the main page. Anyway i have a lot of unused bandwidth there.
  • Ghostscape
    Offline / Send Message
    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    [ QUOTE ]
    If you guys are cool with it, I can upload it at 3dcreature.com and have a direct link from the main page. Anyway i have a lot of unused bandwidth there.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm cool with it.

    I was actually thinking about offering up my bandwidth too, as I think my portfolio only pulls a small fraction of my available bandwidth.
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    It's unfortunate to see this thread not going much of anywhere - surely some other people have some stuff they'd be willing to contribute?
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    yeah i have a ton of things to add... let me get them together in a nice neatly fashion...

    if any of you guys have the 3dtotal texture cds it is set up a lot like mop suggested. I might just make an html doc with screen shots and a link to the file and post it on my site or zip the whole bit together...

    Let me wrap up some work this weekend and gather what I have... I should have a lot of stuff to contribute but I would want to organize it all first.
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