While I was modelling an anvil, I noticed a slight problem on the model as you can see below(labeled 'gay'


The only thing I did differently this time from the rest of my models is that I welded the vertices in the UVW of two different sides of an object that were to have the same texture instead of just overlapping them.. Any ideas on what's wrong?
Well that face is probably flattened into a line in your uv layout. Just select that one face thats giving you problems, and it will probably look like a line rather than a face in your uv layout. Either reshape it out manually, or reproject that face and weld it where its supposed to go.
[/ QUOTE ]
I wish I could say that that would have solved the problem but before I posted this I checked everything I know of and tried reprojecting it with no success. Tomorrow when I get a chance I'll post the file up if anyone is willing to help me out