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Tomb Raider Anniversary Edition - handful of chars

polycounter lvl 18
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Ancient-Pig polycounter lvl 18
Sup polycounters - here is some of the character work I did for Tomb Raider Anniversary Edition. You may recognize some of the likenesses from the very first version of the game (1994)

The character concepts were done by Crystal Dynamics/Eidos. The modeling and texturing were done by myself...

It was a fun project to work on, and I hope I get the opportunity to work with Crystal Dynamics again in the future...

The knife and pistols being held were done by Crystal Dynamics










Thanks for looking...


  • Bryan Cavett
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    Bryan Cavett polycounter lvl 19
    Cool stuff man! smile.gif
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    great stuff.
    man i love the tomb raider series. anniversary was cool until i met those damn centaurs:)
  • culturedbum
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    culturedbum polycounter lvl 17
    WOW!!! Those models look awesome, are all the textures hand painted? Do you have any tutorials in your site? it seems to be down at the moment...
    Anyways great stuff man.
  • Ancient-Pig
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    Ancient-Pig polycounter lvl 18
    Hey thanks guys

    I fixed the link!
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    they are very impressive works especially Larson and Kid.

    Kinda reminding me of the Sega brawler Spikeout.

    Don't get me wrong, but I think your ears and shoulders on all the models need more loving. The silhouette is looking a little chunky.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Awesome stuff, Qualopec is my favourite. Very clean and sharp textures, although I agree with Hawken that your shoulder/bicep areas on the meshes seem very bubbly and unnatural.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    Looks real nice buddy. I love the details you got in the face. I have the same crit for these guys as I always give you, and that's skin tone. They all have a very orange hue to them, which works ok in the face, but on the body looks like a very sunburnt or native american look. I'd love to see you try to tackle a paler skin tone or one based on pink instead of orange.

    Minor crit, it all looks great man.

  • Pedro Amorim
    really awesome man!
    i'm loving the kid very much. some cool detailing in the texture going on laugh.gif
    any chance to show some wireframes to study the topology?
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Really nice, I think youve done a really good job of keeping a consistent theme to the characters and the way they are portrayed. Most of the textures and skin tone is quite simple but I get the impression that was entirely on purpose.
  • 3DGURU
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    3DGURU polycounter lvl 17
    thanks , amazing work , no crit ...

    i like the tut too much ,
    0- which application did you use ?
    1- how many polys for each character please , approximately .
    2- how much time did it take to make a character .
    3- since when you are using 3d applications
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Great stuff AP, love your clean style. The eyeball hi-lights might have looked less intrusive a little smaller maybe?
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    not much to say, except that you did a great work hehe.

    btw, congrats with the game.
  • xysdf
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    xysdf polycounter lvl 17
    great work, AP! sticky2.gif you have some good love for small details without pushing stuff too much, i like that - interresting detail in closeup & good readability from far away, my only overall crit: skin seems a bit too matt. maybe some pretty damn light blue/cyan or maybe a yellow on your brush with a layer set to hard light can give your skin a good portion of pimp. areas: eyelid/nose/under the nose/chin/forehead

    (edit) forgot to say: your tutorial on the head painting is great! i learned from you wink.gif
  • Ancient-Pig
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    Ancient-Pig polycounter lvl 18
    Hey thanks guys - glad you all dig them smile.gif

    Bryan - jesus.. long time no see. How ya been? Still at Nerve? Nice work on your new page...

    Ruz - you're not the first I've heard complain about those suckers. Actually, when I was testing stuff in that phase of the game (errors with Pierre in that scene), it wouldn't take too long for me to die.. so I feel your pain

    culturedbum - thanks -- they're all hand painted. As a mini-game for myself, I didn't use any assetts outside of what could be made in Photoshop (no image overlays, etc..), just to see what the results would be. I learned a lot, but I've switched back to using photo overlays now...

    Hawken - Thanks.. I have a feeling you're looking at the posed Pierre (in reference to the shoulders). That was just some funky weighting that I didnt catch when I took the snapshot... I actually take great pride in my shoulders! :P

    Mop - That char was a bitch to model and stay within limitations.. Ill keep an eye on the shoulder to bicep area in the future. Thanks for pointing that out

    P3wp - You're such a home-owner . I'll keep those color observations in mind for the next round of stuff!

    bitmap - The images shown are the ones that Eidos approved. Showing wires and/or flats could be definied as sharing trade secrets, so unfortunately I can't show them. Don't worry though, you're not really missing out on anything :P

    Ged - Thanks man -- just wanted something that was clear and easy to read on screen

    3DGuru - I modeled in Max, and textured in Photoshop. These characters ranged from 4,000 to 7,000 polys. It would generally take me a week to a week and a half for a character (I think Qualopec took 2 weeks). I've been using 3D apps for 7 years...

    Daz - good call on the highlights. Glad yo udig the work -- I'm a huge fan of yoru water colors and character work in the James Bond title

    Blazier - thanks man

    xysdf - glad you dig the tut. These characters actually all have 2 hard light layers for that exact purpose.. one light green, and one light cyan. I didn't want to 'bake in' too much of an artificial shine though, as I don't think it would hold up too well to different lighting scenarios (also keep in mind that these characters are inside tombs 99% of the game)

    Thanks guys
  • BoBo_the_seal
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    BoBo_the_seal polycounter lvl 18
    Those look great. I love the first one.

    - BoBo
  • Aes
    Hey, man, your art is really inspirational for me. Would it be cool if we took a look at some of your UVs?
  • Renaud Galand
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    Renaud Galand polycounter lvl 20
    Awesome stuff indeed ! The kid is my favorite one :]
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    damn this looks sweet ! i agree with poop about skintones, but other than that it looks cool ! great job wink.gif
  • Por@szek
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    Por@szek polycounter lvl 18
    Thats great work, I love them all, last one the best imho.

  • nkoste
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    nkoste polycounter lvl 18
    I really like your work and I'm a big fan of your face textures. On the faces I do miss a more shiny surface feel to for example lips and nose, but I think that's a style thing, and yours is defintely a hard one to beat. Very nice work and a great source of inspiration. I'm glad you have a tutorial out smile.gif
  • Ancient-Pig
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    Ancient-Pig polycounter lvl 18
    Wow, thanks everyone smile.gif

    Bobo - Thanks smile.gif The first Photoshop painting tutorial I ever took a gander at was your video (must be 6-7 years old by now) when you were painting a dude's face with almost all dodge and burn :P Needless to say, your style has changed since then, but the inspiration is still there. Thanks!

    Aes - I can't show any of the UVs for these characters. That could be deemed as 'trade secrets,' and Eidos has already signed off on these images alone.

    I have UV examples on my site from other titles, and old stuff.. if those are of any use to you.

    Tips on UV Mapping from this round of chars:

    Keep straight lines on objects that have straight lines. It's a great way to fake in more detail via pixel painting. IE- a 1 pixel line that runs straight horizontal or vertical (or exactly 45 degrees) looks much sharper than a 1 pixel line at an odd angle. Look at Kid's hat - the amount of UV space that hat takes up is extremely small. I got sharp detail across by limiting the 1 pixel lines to horz and vert, and even used a slight UV nudge to introduce a really fine black line that seperates the front of the hat from the back... get creative with UVs! ( Kenneth Scott influence )

    Also, get creative with your mirroring and tiling. Again looking at Kid, check out his bandana... look how sharp I got the design. It's only one and a half rows of the skull design on the tex sheet.. I just tile it across the whole bandana, with two equa-distant shadows (fro mhat and bandana bottom) across the whole tile.

    Larsons plaid shirt.. all straight horz and vertical pixel painted lines... Pierres turtle neck - same thing as Kid's bandana.. just a small pixel painted texture. Takes up virtually no texture space, but puts in tons of detail. The belt loops are a tiling texture across the board as well.. :P

    Renaud - Thanks man.. for some reason he's my least favorite one. I like Kold the best if I had to choose one - althoug h I'm kind of sick of looking at them. These chars are over a year old to me by now...

    Johny - thanks man - yeah I agree with him too. I'm always trying to keep a steep saturation level i my textures for some reason.. Ill keep an eye on that

    [email="Por@szek"]Por@szek[/email] - thanks man - I dig your work as well. Have seen you around quite a bit :P

    nkoste - thanks man - I try not to get too carried away with fake speculars (really sharp ones) on my textures. In this case, these characters were underground in dark tombs for most of the game, so that's one conscious reason I chose not to go that route. I'm glad you find the tut useful! I should write another one.. that one's almost 2 years old now...

  • Silva_Spoon
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    Silva_Spoon polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Looks real nice buddy. I love the details you got in the face. I have the same crit for these guys as I always give you, and that's skin tone. They all have a very orange hue to them, which works ok in the face, but on the body looks like a very sunburnt or native american look. I'd love to see you try to tackle a paler skin tone or one based on pink instead of orange.

    Minor crit, it all looks great man.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    You took all the words right out of my mouth. It was nice seeing your stuff Jon. Always top notch.
  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
    Hey, Nice work pig, I like this for the same reason i like bobos stuff, Theres just right amount of detail, U leave area open too good fabric, materiel and shit, Work real well ingame, Congrats!
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Great stuff there dude! So this is what you've been doing.
  • Genjix

    It all looks very good. Is it possible to see closeups of the faces untextured please? Thanks smile.gif
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