after very impresive videos & demo in a real time of MGS 4 , here is RESIDENT EVIL 5 -
Cinematic or real time ? Don't know.
The shadows and lighting looks very - very nice

Is here any fan of Resident Evil ? I am ...and a big one.

looks AMAZING.
id say the first bits are pre-rendered using the in-game stuff with a little post processing but the combat(aiming/firing) is real time i suspect. still impressive graphics and no doubt the game play will match up.
Chris got BUFF.. wow..
the masses of 'zombies' with weapons is impressive. looks like RE4 taken to the next level.
and the girl at the end.. at first i was thinking Alexia.. but no, she was destroyed in Code Veronica. so now im thinking.. Sherry Birkin. if it is.. then O M G..
Not enough shown on gameplay for my tastes, but from what was shown, looked great.
of course my brother will get it and play it though, so i will still get the story.
p.s. is they sherry or alexia at the end? my bets on sherry
looks sweet!
Have they said that it is Africa? I was assuming it was Haiti since that is where zombies originated from, AFAIK.
Looks really good.
Funny i feel more comfortable looking at clips of white people getting shot over the black people in this game :+... all those games with just whites getting killed kinda has me desensitized to white people shooting O_O... this video has a weird psychological effect on me
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Yeah I kind of agree... it has a strange vibe to it. Not sure why exactly. And it could hurt sales btw.
But if it was backed up by a good & reasonable story and maybe some sort of "social commentary" this strange feeling could in fact make the game experience more intense
looks awesome.
more like 1/16th okay-to-shoot-now
God damn, AIDS is bad in Africa.
[/ QUOTE ]It's the cure that'll get ya!
I mean where else would resident evil go next?
Man, I hope that the zombies trip on the zombies that fall as you shoot them.
Looks chaotic.
on another note: HOLY DAMN! never been a fan of RE, but the graphics on this make me wanna stare at it for hours! i like the sickles being chucked at the player. that felt nice to look at!
killing whiteys is ok, but blax is bad? Um, isn't THAT racism? Cmon, whiteboys, hold on the politics ok?
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lol yeah. Unfortunately thats the way it was in south africa, theres still affirmative action being enforced there even today( white males are the last in line to get a job regardless of skill) and affirmative action isnt seen as racism or prejudice, its government controlled, been that way for 13 years now. So a game where you kill loads of black people might not be recieved too well thats all Im saying.
killing whiteys is ok, but blax is bad? Um, isn't THAT racism? Cmon, whiteboys, hold on the politics ok?
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Apartheid was the norm in South Africa as recently as the 1990s, so I can understand why they may still be a bit sensitive. When you've been racially segregated and relegated to a lower economic, legal and political status in the recent past, seeing a game where the white heroes slaughter the evil black zombie antagonists might rub you the wrong way... even though that isn't the game's message, you might see it in a different light.
killing whiteys is ok, but blax is bad? Um, isn't THAT racism? Cmon, whiteboys, hold on the politics ok?
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Hmmm, maybe it "rubs the wrong way" because zombies were always a symbol for the "dead" middle class media controlled masses in modern pop culture, which just doesn't translate well to a 3rd world slum like setting and thus those zombies arn't really percived as such but rather as desperate people beeing slaughtered?
I just like the fact that you can see that one character is from 3dsk
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I noticed that too
I just like the fact that you can see that one character is from 3dsk
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I noticed that too
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Are You talking about this one ?
can be in Haiti .......I feel some WOODOO there
Probably won't get a chance to play this game on release, for I don't see myself getting a PS3 any time too soon. Though there are a few games coming out that is almost making it worth picking up.
Zombies is zombies! Point and shoot mother fucker! Why be playin' the race card bitches?
Probably won't get a chance to play this game on release, for I don't see myself getting a PS3 any time too soon. Though there are a few games coming out that is almost making it worth picking up.
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I thought it was for 360 as well....
I'm sure the game looks great... underneath all that contrast.
Zombies is zombies! Point and shoot mother fucker! Why be playin' the race card bitches?
Probably won't get a chance to play this game on release, for I don't see myself getting a PS3 any time too soon. Though there are a few games coming out that is almost making it worth picking up.
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I thought it was for 360 as well....
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I could be wrong, but I always assumed Resident Evil was a Sony exclusive game. But considering Resident Evil 4 was also on the GameCube, I most likely am wrong. Will have to check it out and keep my fingers crossed that it will be on the 360.
Or a rich girl and shoot poor people.
Or an old guy and shoot young people.
Or a biker dude and shoot...people in general.
God, I fucking hate people
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I second that, except the only person I don't hate is you Ian
Well in RE4 the zombies were of European ethnicity... Being of European origin, I had no problem with this at all. I enjoyed slaying hordes of Euro zombies! Reminds me of the sketchy ass villages most of my family live in. Most of the people there actually look like zombies from all the post-war conflict, harsh working environments and overconsumption of strong ass home made alcohol and cigarettes.
Or a biker dude and shoot...people in general.
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I would TOTALLY play a biker shooting bicyclists! YESSSS!
I second that, except the only person I don't hate is you Ian
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lets go shoot zombies all the colors of the rainbow!
What could be better then ending their breath?
We have entered the dawn of the dead zombie era, where zombies seem to run and wield tools intuitively.
In a few of those cuts it does just look like he's shooting some black dudes, and thats not going to go down well.
Goths didn't throw a fit when Wesley Snipes cut them up in Blade.
Jesus H. FUCKING-Christ. Grow up.
Buuuuuuuut. It seems like they're building ontop of the concept they took from RE4. Where you weren't really shooting zombies... just crazed villagers infested by a parasite. Same thing here basically, except with black people.
To be honest I think we need more nipples in games. I think its retarded that its ok to shoot people but I'm not allowed to see a nipple in my game........
"Where was this bitching when in the prior Resident Evil games when you were killing zombified white people or zombie Spaniards? Sorry, but equality means taking the bad with the good."
aaha i guess the most racist are the ones that are offended by everything...
People are stupid.
Considering where the whole zombie thing got its start, you would think people wouldn't care as much. The first zombie pioneers where black. Should we deny zombies their roots in the name of being PC?
About the angry black women blog: I'm glad her blog is filled with comments that hopefully shed some light on her condition. It's always dangerous when people speak about things they know nothing about. I'm glad the majority of people reading her blog have enough common sense to see thru her BS.
The point people keep bringing up is that the zombies don't look zombie enough. The hallmarks of zombies are blood stains. It has to be hard to paint blood that will be easily recognized at at a distance on such a dark canvas. It doesn't take a preschool art teacher to figure out when you add dark to dark you get more dark. You would think they would choose lighter colored less patterned clothing so they could play up the blood stains.