we are creating a 3d game with the 3d engine blender
here goes some samples of our work for the game
and we have created music , so now the project is just growing
the storyline is here
if you can model levels objects of levels or characters or texturing or music making or scripting with python ... or even create a 2d logo of the game or artwork send me a private message in this forum and i will give you the password in case that you want to join the falling worlds devolopment forum ...
Setting sharp edges is very easy with this tool. Unfortunatelly the documentation is ultra-hidden on this - some people from the blender development irc channel told me when i asked how to implement something like it :-P. Fortunatelly the functionality is already there, so i didn't had to mess with Blender's code :->
I'd suggest improving your skills significantly before getting involved in a game project. Focus on one area. Follow tutorials. Study each aspect of design, modeling, uvmapping, texturing, etc.
The storyline is weak. Perhaps you should try something simpler without a story. Something with more of a visual style.
were is the best tutorial to make 3d models for games
i don't think that the story is bad ..
please ... i want crit and someone to work with us .
Now for the chick face. It's bad, not just the texture (Which is awful) but the structure in it's entirety. Her head gets way bloated at the top of the skull, and the render is too dark to tell but the hat probably cuts off too soon and makes her look like she has an undersized skull.
The bike, well I don't know what to say about the bike, it just looks really painful to ride. It doesn't look like a bike you would actually be able to ride in real life, which lends to the problem of it's believability. Also the render is just bad, so that doesn't help.
The creature model is just full of shortcuts, the hands aren't hands, they are steak knives, the feet aren't feet, they are weird pyramid things. To top all this off I can't tell what it's supposed to be because it doesn't read well, and the texture is just a bunch of solid colors.
On all these models it looks like the modeler just gave up at some point when doing these and said "Ahh well, good enough."
If this is your work, then keep working at it, but I would take some traditional art classes first, maybe learn how to see things through an artists eye, take figure drawing classes, maybe buy a book or two (Like "Drawing on the right side of the brain"). Once you got that modeling is just a matter of knowing the tools, everything else just comes natural. Maybe the most important thing to remember during all this though is to stop taking shortcuts, they just end up making things look like shit.
EDIT: I'm not going to comment on the story, suffice to say when you read it in a few years you'll probably get a good laugh out of it. If you absolutely must do a game as your first art project, try doing something like said above without a story, like a shooter. That way it gives you an excuse to be creative and not care about what you put into it, because it's a mindless shooter.
actually , i'm not from Europe or America , i'm from the middle east / jordan
i'm only 18 , i began to learn 3d when i was 14 ...
it seems that it is obvoius that i'm good enough with english , that why you can see me here !
ok , i don't have any 2d drawing book , and the book you are talking about is not available in my country !
i don't want to say that we are backwards , ...
but no one is interested in this industry in my country too much
I loved the game programming since i was 11 , i was making mazes on paper too much , everyday ...
i can remember all episodes of lara croft that i have played since i was kid with pentium 1
ok , for the tutorials , i don't have internet connection at home (maybe after a month i will have)
i just roam in the (caf'e)'s , i count every time i visit a internet caf'e , i have visited caf'e's something like 450 times , and total file size is 8 gega ...
i have dlded some video tutorials , i know why they are like crap ! because i'm lasy a little .
3dbuzz.com has some pretty good tutorial videos you can download for free...I dunno if they have the ones you need for your specific software, but they do have photoshop and unwrapping...and that sorta stuff transfers across all softwares.
Keep practicing...I would suggest you start smaller with your game with smaller props, work on those for practice, THEN try and do characters and vehicles. Those are two of the tougher things to model, but everyone wants to start learning with those. Work on props, get better at texturing and unwrapping, then come back to those characters and you will be much better.
Keep at it!
Tips in point form...
1: Always have reference- lots of it- handy. Magazines, photos from the internet- whatever. You learn by looking. Wireframes of other peoples work is gold- collect em!
2: Do lots of work- model and model again- go back and see if you can fix up old work.
3: Life study classes teach you how to LOOK and thats the real trick- after that its just learning what button does what and maybe picking up some workflows- the real secret is being able to look at something using artists eyes.
4: Games are constantly shifting and moving- techniques that where 'good' five years ago are a joke now- so you need to start 'running' to keep up- this means hanging out with loser 3d geeks like us on forums, grabbing training DVDs, going to classes and shows put on my software companies, buying lots of books and practicing constantly. Life optional.
5: dont get discouraged by pissy comments on forums. There are your jedi posters and your sith posters- take you pick. Listen to the feedback though, always room to improve.
6. if you have quake III, grab unzip and pop open the resource files- inside you will find many textures that will teach you just by staring at them and trying perhaps to copy a few. Kenneth Scott. Legend.
download "dragon unpacker" that thing can unpack all sorts of pack files used to compress thousands of model/texture files into one. I use it to unpack and stare at Quake 4 and Doom 3 models. U just need something to view jpgs/tgas/dds in [photoshop] and a model viewer [ie. md5 viewer for Quake 4 and Doom 3 models etc. etc]