I seem to have gotten myself into a rather difficult problem with maya and mental ray. I am currently working on a high poly game character using several normal maps. I Have been successful in generating and applying normal maps that look great with maya hardware render. The issue comes into play when I am trying to render the model with mental ray. It seems to flip the normals that are stacked. It seems like there must be a checkbox somewhere that allows it to "fake" the normals like hardware does.
If it's not clear yet these might help
Here's the hardware render

Here's the mentalray render

Some other various renders

I've read that the uv's contain a normal information that has to be flipped as well, but I don't know if maya can do that.
Flipping the normals of the problem polys creates an ugly seam.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Also, if there is a workaround for this problem in Max 8 I'd like to hear it.
The mirrored parts should have been broken where the orange shoulder part is. It would have really hidden/reduce the seams nicely.
Why not just render in Max 8?