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skrubbles polycounter lvl 18
According to SciFi.com Farscape is going to be coming back for 10 online webisodes. You can read the short article here

iF Magazine had a short interview with SciFi executive vice president Dave Howe. The only Farscape question was:

iF MAGAZINE: Will the original cast be returning for FARSCAPE?

DAVE HOWE: We don’t know. Literally, we closed the deal yeaterday, so we haven’t gotten into any of the creative conversations about casting, or story; all of that is yet to come. It is based on FARSCAPE so it will involve the characters from the series, but we don’t know who or what.

[/ QUOTE ]

So we get some characters back!! They could be guest stars, but could also easily be the main cast!!! smile.gif So, I imagine it would take place after the Peacekeeker Wars. Maybe it will center around Crichton and Aeryns child? I don't know if I'd want it to be TNG though... and have the child be all grown up. Maybe make the kid 8 or 10 years old.

The Chicago Tribune had a little bit more info. We now now that the show will indeed be live-action. We also know that each episode will only be a few mintues. I was actually expecting this since Farscape is a VERY expensive show. I hope we can at least get 10-15 minutes per episode. I also hope we can get quality better then what's on sci-fi pulse. I d/led all of Farscape and watched the whole series that way (after they were already canceled) and I loved (obviously still love) the show so much, I bought all the DVD collections right away to support it (that and I love the behind the scenes and commentary). So I don't mind paying a subscription price to d/l high-quality files of the show, if that's offered. I think Sanctuary has the right idea, and I'm glad Farscape is following in it's footsteps... I just hope it follows a little closer.

Again, you read that entire article here.

Be thankful that we're getting more Farscape at all. I always knew we would, but I imagined it would take 10 more years and be in the form of animation/cg.

When these episodes go live I highly encourage you all to go to the main SciFi pulse page and watch them there at least once... even if you get the episodes by other means... I'm sure they will be monitoring the amount of people that download and watch the episodes.


  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18

    I always enjoyed the show. Crighton's character is great to watch interact with that world.
  • spacemonkey
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    spacemonkey polycounter lvl 18
    got the The creatures of Farscape book? smile.gif pretty good.

    I hope they don't fuck the show over.. .it came to a pretty conclusive point when it finished with the Peacekeeper wars.. interesting though wink.gif
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
    haha, awesome. I bet you creamed your panties when you heard about this.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    They had better bring back my lovely Chiana...
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Sweet mother of ghandi, you just made my effing day.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    I may have to buy another HDD for getting back up to speed on the original seriessss
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    I was kind of pissed that Farscape ended, I enjoyed the characters. I hope they bring it back to the tube where it belongs, since I'm pissed they ended Stargate. Yeah I loved it ever since the movie, and the series and the same goes with Farscape. I need something fun to look at. I sort of feel like I got robbed. wink.gif Looking forward to the web episodes, I hope they bring back the cast, otherwise it would be a shame.

  • skrubbles
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    skrubbles polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    got the The creatures of Farscape book? smile.gif pretty good.

    I hope they don't fuck the show over.. .it came to a pretty conclusive point when it finished with the Peacekeeper wars.. interesting though wink.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hell yeah I have that book. I managed to get a copy from the author, that's signed by Rockne O'Bannon, the creature team (including Dave and Lou Esley), and even the legendary Dick Smith (he wrote the afterward). I'm so facinated by make-up and special effects. It's something I've been wanting to learn and get into.

    [ QUOTE ]
    haha, awesome. I bet you creamed your panties when you heard about this.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nearly. But I did get up from my computer run like hell to my GF and tell her "I have the best news EVER!"

    [ QUOTE ]
    I may have to buy another HDD for getting back up to speed on the original seriessss

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, I'm going to rewatch the series again soon smile.gif

    [ QUOTE ]
    I was kind of pissed that Farscape ended, I enjoyed the characters. I hope they bring it back to the tube where it belongs, since I'm pissed they ended Stargate.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Here's a response I gave on another forum that fits. As you now know the episodes will only be a few minutes long in length. Also I think the web is the perfect thing. Think about it. Farscape it EXPENSIVE, and that's one the things that factored into its cancellation. 10 mini-episodes probably ads up to 2-3 full length episodes (if we're lucky). This means because of the fans and DVD sales, Sci-Fi is expressing interest again. Sci-Fi WANTS Farscape, but it also WANTS to make money. So now Sci-Fi is paying for 10 mini-episodes. I see this as the starting point to something bigger. Sci-Fi is going to test to see how much of a reaction those 10 episodes get. I pray that the servers get overloaded, because that means the fans are doing their job. This is a chance for us to show them we still care about the show and want it back in full swing... either more mini epsisodes, longer webisodes, or even back on TV.

    As for Stargate. I only started watching SG1 when Ben Browder and Claudia Black joined the show. And being the way I am I absolutly had to watch the past seasons in full and work my way up to those characters so I knew everything that was going on. The series is pretty good. I actually like Atlantis more. I was kind of disappointed in Ben's character... seemed like a bland/boring version of Crichton. Claudia's was amazing with her new role though... her character was a lot more entertaining. I'm glad the show ended though, because now Ben and Claudia are free to work on other shows.... LIKE FARSCAPE!!! Actually Ben and Andrew Prowse (the onstaff director of Farscape) are going to be working on a short mini-series. And for those that didn't know, Ben Browder actually helped to write a bunch of the Farscape Episodes. So I wouldn't be suprised if they both returned to the show.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I hope they bring back the cast, otherwise it would be a shame.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's been confirmed that same (if not all) the cast will be coming back. But it's NOT confirmed if they will be the main cast or guest stars. But keep in mind the the episodes are only a few minutes each. Also keep in mind that the show is called Farscape, and the Farscape project was created by John Cricton. So one would assume he'd be part of the main cast of the webisodes.
  • Mark Dygert
    I tuned out around the end of season 3 when it seemed like they where killing and bringing back a character every episode. I haven't had much interest in going back and catching up until now, you've rekindled my interest =)
  • spacemonkey
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    spacemonkey polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    since I'm pissed they ended Stargate.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Stargate is not dead.. a friend of mine just moved to Vancouver to work on the new tvshow and movies they are making ;D
  • Whargoul
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    Whargoul polycounter lvl 18
    Damn, I read that as Planescape. frown.gif That would be a better thing to bring back! (not that I ever watched Farscape, I just liked Planescape: Torment a lot)
  • skrubbles
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    skrubbles polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I tuned out around the end of season 3 when it seemed like they where killing and bringing back a character every episode. I haven't had much interest in going back and catching up until now, you've rekindled my interest =)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Honestly seasons 3 and 4 are my favorite of the series. The story gets more involved/complex and the characters grow a lot more... especially D'Argo (aka the best character and coolest actor).
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    I think part of the problem series like Farscape and Stargate face is that they build up, which I kind of like a lot since it's not really just some random episode here or there and at some point the writers just lose all ideas. A lot of series just make up random crap and throw it in and the episodes don't have anything to do with each other. With Farscape and SG1 they have to keep storyline or the series falls apart.

    I think the problem with Ben's character in SG 1 is that everyone wants Criton and seeing him play something else is annoying. I felt the writers of SG 1 wanted Ben's character to be something like Oneal. I think the biggest problem with Farscape was how damn risky they were with the characters and stories. They killed a few characters that were loved very much by it's fans and some of the characters were way out there in terms of design, for example it took me awhile to enjoy Dargo's design. Also, I'm looking forward to this as well as the Stargate movies in which of course I want the original cast of the series and not some "hollywood bigshot". I enjoyed Stargate Atlantis a lot, I was afraid it would just be a washed down version of SG1 and just plain suck.

    To be honest I liked what was done with the Peacekeeper Wars. Maybe they should release a movie every year instead of making episodes. It would be annoying not to have a series, but after thinking about it for about 3 minutes it would probably be bad for the cast as well and would fail.

    As far as Sci fi making money, the only reason I tuned in was to watch Farscape, SG-1, and Battlestar Galactica. Is Galactica back? I don't really have time to watch tv so just wondering.

  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Galactica is entering it's last season in 2008.
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