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Aracnicadian WIP

polycounter lvl 18
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MasteroftheFork polycounter lvl 18
Ok so I'm going for a spider-like alien. It will have 6 legs but since I'm going to mirror them all, I decided there was no point in modeling them all. Also Ignore the head, I haven't decided what to do with it, maybe more human? Any crits or suggestions would be very nice! I still have a lot left to do with it.



  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    I think you went a little mudbox happy on the torso. Well sculpted anatomical shapes always read better than a mass of noodles. They seem to be laid atop what is a basic human torso, but don't seem integrated into it or to serve any real purpose.

    Where his human torso connects to the spider part looks awkward. perhaps new angles are needed? I like his big fingers.
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