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baking dense vine geometry into lo-poly mesh

Hello, I am creating a interior scene that I want to be overrun with vines. The vine geometry is waayyy too dense, and I can't figure out how to (if possible) turn all the dense vine geometry into a single flat plane with a texture map [color, light, and shadow all baked in]. That way i can offset the textured plane from the wall and hopefully have it look like vines from afar.

furthermore, and I really hope this is possible, i have also generated vines all over props and objects inside the scene such as boulders on the ground, a spherical space capsule(the main prop). These all look great with the vines growing all over them, BUT i want to use the existing lo-poly geometry of the original props as a surface to bake the vine geometry on. That way I would have the original lo-poly props... and duplicate the prop's geometry to use as a shell, which would have the viny texture w/alpha applied to it and slightly extruded so that you could see through the vine texture to the original prop beneath.

Is there a way, instead of using a camera, to bake based on geometry normals? How would I be able to bake those dense textured vines into the lo-poly props underneath?

This is a real puzzler, so thank you greatly if you take a crack at it!


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