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zbrush 3 topology tools

polycount lvl 666
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Ruz polycount lvl 666
I have been messing around with this and it works fine on the whole, but does anyone know of a workaround for open edges.
my character has open edges at the mouth and eyes and when i retopologise the mesh and preview it with adaptive skin, the open edges splay out all over the place.
I tried closing the edges, but it seems that trying to project geometry over empty space( ie eyeholes just makes it go haywire.
In future i will make my mesh fully closed, but I really don't want to start again on this mesh.


  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    I've been working with the Zb3 retopo alot lately too..dont have this problem though... the model I am working on has a bunch of open edges.
    I would use the move tool to go in and move the points near the open edges- to make sure your points are all connected.
    Here are the settings I have on the topology tool. Also not sure if it makes a difference, but I am not using the symetry

  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    hmm , the problem was that my original had open edges at the eyes and mouth, but I tried to add in geometry to make them closed. it did n't know what to do with the new geom and threw it all over the place.I will try turn of symmetry , might work hopefully.cheers

    another thing is that adaptive skin throws out existing uv's which is a pain.
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