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the next big thing!

polycounter lvl 18
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motives polycounter lvl 18
or maybe not..

anyway i got this band with some friends and we just released our two first songs on our myspace and i thought i would shamelessly promote and pimp them here since i never pimp artwork anymore smile.gif


let me know what you think!


  • JKMakowka
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    JKMakowka polycounter lvl 18
    A bit too emo for me tongue.gif

    But otherwise not bad!
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    cool can i pimp mine?


    i'm Lee. FEAR MY MASSIVE CHIN!!!
  • motives
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    motives polycounter lvl 18
    yea thats cool man, u got some nice songs on there! (big hc fool that i am smile.gif)

    anyone else got band myspaces?
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    thanks dude, i actually don't like the two that we have up that much, but we're going into the studio tomorrow to record another 5, so we should have some better stuff up soon.

    i wanna send CD's out to anyone who wants them, so they can copy them and give them to friends etc. we're planning a tour of england and hopefully holland, belgium and germany next year. but it's really down to who hears us. we want people to start asking us to visit places, so we know it's worth the trip...
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Nice stuff guys, I like both, a lot better than much of the stuff I've heard lying around MySpace.

    To give honest critique on your band's music, motives, I'd have to say that the singer needs to work on his pitch a little, in both of the tracks on there he's missing some fairly key notes, just slightly flat and wavers a little, unfortunately. I really like the music on "As You Leave", nice guitar tone. Good vocal harmonies later on too.
    It's my style of music too so if you put out any more stuff let me know, I enjoy finding new stuff like this smile.gif

    Almighty_gir: Heh, that stuff is pretty cool, although for some reason I feel like the singer would be more comfortable not doing the "growl" style of singing. Would be interested to hear more though.

    All this music is making me want to record stuff... I don't have a band, but I've got a bunch of half-written tracks and songs lying around, might see if I can drag something together when I get the time.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    MoP, thanks man... yeah actually Tom tends to sing a lot better live, our bassist (the massive bald guy) is really good at growling though, so we're gonna see what we can mix up.

    where abouts in the UK are you based? i'm always up for jamming with people if you would like?

    oh and i'm always ALWAYSSS open to criticisms, and opinions on how to make our music better (other than recording in our bedroom, which is how we did those tracks haha). it's still pretty early days for the band, we're trying out eveything to see if it works, we have about 10 tracks of our own, and we love covering stuff by Children of Bodom, Metallica, stuff like that.

    if you've got any ideas just throw them my way man.

    oh and our drummer is trying to get us some clothing sponsorships... cool stuff for me, i hate buying clothes haha,
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Hehe, Children of Bodom are awesome. I'm just south east of London at the moment so I think I'm a good 60ish miles from where you are (if you're in Milton Keynes like the MySpace page suggests). Jamming would be cool but seems like a bit long range at the moment smile.gif
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    yeah i'm in milton keynes, i travel to london quite a lot at the moment =] i mostly hate it, as it means getting up at 5:30 every morning haha, but it's alright i guess...

    yeah i was thinking some time in the future would be cool. i'll just do the road trip thing, we'll grab a beer, play some guitar, and then i can drug you and steal your artistic tallent while i'm at it! BWAHAHAHAHAAAAA
  • dom
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    dom polycounter lvl 18
    haha, thomas can sing alright. he sent me this link few days ago, really professional. you guys should get signed to a label real soon.
  • motives
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    motives polycounter lvl 18
    yes mop honest critique is why i posted it on PC :P
    i'll let him now!

    So, almighty_gir, bleeding heart records is that a proper label
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    it's an underground label here in MK. we're having issues with the contract they want us to sign though, it's basically saying:

    "for every £100 of promoting we give, we will take a cumulative 5% of your royalties, with a cap of 60%".

    that didn't fly with us, so we're pulling out and promoting for ourselves (which isn't actually THAT expensive). we already payed for all our own recording time too, so there's no advance to pay back. by rights, most of the money earned from sales should be ours.

    that being said, our strategy is to play some major gigs in the local area, the london area, and the north. which will allow us to either dictate our own contract to the label, or start a bidding war between other labels.

    and god damnit, why do i have to compete with a swede in the area of music? >_<
  • motives
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    motives polycounter lvl 18
    heh yea dont let them steal your $$! (or uhm, ££ smile.gif)

    personally i think our strategy is to get A gig. See where we end up from there.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master

    an early mix of one of my favorite tracks we've written is on our studios myspace
    the song will load up straight away, if you need to click anything, scroll down a little, it's "New Lost without a soul - Early mix".

    i think you're gonna like the vocals on ths one MoP. another of our songs is there too "Darkly".
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    New one is pretty cool! I definitely like the sound and feeling of quality to the production in general, but I can't help feeling the song is fairly generic in this style unfortunately frown.gif
    There's nothing that really makes it stand out from the crowd, as it were, which I think is what you have to do to make a name for yourself in that market. It's very competent, pretty well-performed, but there's no hook, and no real variation in there from what I can tell. Trivium are a pretty good example of this, they made a name for themselves by just getting a really nice mix of styles into their sound... I hope you'll see the compliment if I say that this track of yours sounds like filler material from a Trivium album. It's certainly not bad, but it's not the sort of thing that would make me want to listen to it again and again. It's just missing that "catch" which some other songs in this style have.

    Similarly the into solo on "Darkly" could do with some polishing, it doesn't have much direction, same goes for the one in the background around the 1 minute mark - just seems rather aimless to me.
    The rhythm section after that is good, and the chorus bit is well-sung. Some of the time-signature change bits seem a little forced, like the one which starts around 0:55 on "Darkly", doesn't really fit or flow well I feel. Maybe if the playing around that mark was a bit more precise it'd work better, it just seems like you're trying too hard to make it fit in.

    Still, I'm not much of a one to talk since I haven't put any of my own recorded stuff out there, so you're all way ahead on that part, hope what I said makes sense though.

    Also if you haven't heard of them, try listening to Million Dead's "Harmony No Harmony" album, it's got some really awesome tracks on you could probably pick up some tips from. Alas Million Dead are no more and Frank Turner's solo stuff is completely different, but it's well worth a listen... they cover a wide range of music styles and often sing in the same style as what's going on in "Darkly", maybe a bit softer overall but still really awesome music.
    They have a MySpace page, www.myspace.com/amilliondead - has 4 decent samples on, my favourite is Living the Dream, really great song IMHO. Quite different from your style though. "I Am The Party" is well done too.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    wow MoP, that really helps laugh.gif

    i've been telling Mike (other guitarrist) for ages, that the triplet section in Darkly is just... odd haha, but he won't have any of it.

    similarly, i feel like his solos lack style and flow... he tries to do too much with them, without letting them just come out naturally. and i think that hurts the songs somewhat. but being that i came in as "second guitarrist" i get a limited say in these things.

    i'll certainly check out those groups and songs, thanks a lot! if you have any more crits/comments/whatever, throw them this way, i'm all for it! and i'll be taking a printout of your post to our next practice.

    if you're still in london in september, i'd like you to come along to one of our gigs smile.gif
  • frostymoose
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    frostymoose polycounter lvl 17
    I'm liking what I hear a lot, motives!
  • Michael Knubben
    Gir: let us know when you're playing in London, and i'll probably come and have a look/listen.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    will do, for sure. it'll be around september time, probably when my birthday is (24th), so it'll be epic :P

    i'll have to make sure there's guest list + free beer for all polycounters in attendance laugh.gif
  • motives
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    motives polycounter lvl 18
    frostymoose: thxs a lot!

    Gir: im liking the new songs. I agree wuth mop in what he said though. Also i think you could try and get some more dynamic in there. The first clean sung stuff in early mix pops i think but then its pretty evenly "grey"

    Mop: damn million dead was a great tip, i went and got both their albums after listening! tnxs
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    got new songs on our myspace page, 3 that you haven't heard before (i hope O_O).


    guy can i get you on msn or something?
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