let me tell you a small story:
first image is a thumbnail, of what the scene looked like before i shut down my computer yesterday.
its all i have left, and is the actual thumbnail of the very next scene you'll see.

this is what met me when i woke up, and started my computer today...

so let me just gently ask, what in the most backwards of hells of storming shit, is this ultimate craphouse all about?
and its not the first time its happened either. this is just a long list of models,where parts have suddenly expanded into gigantic proportions.
things to note: most of the scenes were from an older max version resaved, and in this particular scene i had Xrefed
another tank into the scene.
to say i'm sick and tired of shit like this, doesn't even begin to describe what i feel.
last time my laptop nearly flew out of the window before accelerating back down to earth at 9.8m/s^2.
even my backup scene was afflicted!
less time consuming to just scale down the mesh, and re-align it with the drawings.