Hey guys whats up...So it has been a while since I posted, I had a very weird break, I ended up moving, getting into a car accident and just all sorts of weird haps.
But enough rambling-I bring thee Dead-life
So this is a concept I made during break cause I had planned to make my own model for a challenge during break, it ended up taking a little longer. But it is finally finished.
The upper legs are way too short - or the knees are too high up. In your concept, thighs / shanks ratio looks fine, but it didn't carry onto a 3d. It just looks awkward this way, I wonder how he would animate. Texture looks better now, although the grime placement seems a bit random.
Good crits from fogman. From my side, I'm confused what he's made of. You seem to have given the same treatment to his bulky metal legs, as you did to the suit on his organic body. It makes it hard to read since you only have 2 shades of green as the entire color scheme.
I'd try to work out a more logical material scheme, make it clear what things are made of what. Right now that's the most confusing part for me.
good stuff, im glad you werent calling it done. maybe add more mid level detail? right now you have very broad detail( the color changes) and the fine gritty dirt and scratches. I would add more more elements between the two like perhaps decaling or introducing more shapes to the suit?
its all very samey tonally or it could just be that the specular is washing evrything out
perhaps drop the spec on the darker bits of the suit to emphasise the shininess of the metal parts\ would make the bluey grey of the suit a little darker also
Mike: my man, lol, yeah dude I learned my lesson on calling things done recently.
Poop: whats up man,UAT was good, I was there with mike. Anyways yeah I saw your tutorial on the texturing of things...It helped me tons I think the part that makes it not look like its made of something is the specular right now, I should be able to fix that easily. Thanks for the crit man...
Ruz-Hey whats up dude. yeah I agree with what you're saying, I do have some lighting in there and its all same basic colors in the suit that are making it too yellow and green. Easy fix. thanks for the crit very valid.
Can we get some non-wire frame shots?
So far he's pretty interesting. Would like to see some better grabs or renders though.
Anyone have tutorials on self illumination maps.?
I'd try to work out a more logical material scheme, make it clear what things are made of what. Right now that's the most confusing part for me.
perhaps drop the spec on the darker bits of the suit to emphasise the shininess of the metal parts\ would make the bluey grey of the suit a little darker also
Mike: my man, lol, yeah dude I learned my lesson on calling things done recently.
Poop: whats up man,UAT was good, I was there with mike. Anyways yeah I saw your tutorial on the texturing of things...It helped me tons I think the part that makes it not look like its made of something is the specular right now, I should be able to fix that easily. Thanks for the crit man...
Ruz-Hey whats up dude. yeah I agree with what you're saying, I do have some lighting in there and its all same basic colors in the suit that are making it too yellow and green. Easy fix. thanks for the crit very valid.