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Zbrush3 Annoyances... need a little help please.

ngon master
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almighty_gir ngon master
Ok so after gettin over the fact that saving as a ZB doccument, all i end up with is a 2d image which i can't manipulate in future, and have thus wasted my last 2 hours.

i've found something else that winds me up immensely... the .OBJ file i import keeps its UVW map. BUT it looooves to have it upside down, on its side... hell any way that isn't where it should be, and the tools available for moving it around just plain suck, no rendering of normalmaps from inside ZB3 for me!
AND, i still havent figured out how to paint colour directly onto the mesh to give me a rough diffuse bake to start whoring in photoshop...

any suggestions?


  • mvelasquez
    use mudbox? laugh.gif
    nah i dont know shit about zbrush, Im sure someone can help though.
  • emerge
    [ QUOTE ]
    i still havent figured out how to paint colour directly onto the mesh to give me a rough diffuse bake to start whoring in photoshop...

    any suggestions?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    projection master on the top left, then just grabdoc from your texture
  • James Edwards
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    rendering normal maps in zb3 doesn't work so well atm anyway. ZB2 with its z mapper pluggin works much better.
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    When you save your document you need to save the tool. Think of it that a "document" is the scene you're placing your art in, while the "tool" is the prop itself. Normally when you open something the first time you import the .obj, right? After you've saved something out from working on it (as the tool file) you want to open the tool from then on out.

    Also ZBrush flips images vertically when reading them. Fixing this is as easy as going to your texture panel and choosing the vertical flip button. Should put things right side up.
  • Davision3D
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    Davision3D polycounter
    Painting without projetion master:
    (texture must be set to off)

    Core features are very nice described here:

    @ PolyHertz
    Where can i render normals in ZB3??
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    Almighty_gir to fix the the import and export of your tools as in images and models go under Preferences find Importexport and it will let you turn on iflip X, Y, or Z and eflip X, Y or Z; the i stands for import and the e for export. There is also an iswitch YZ and a eswitch YZ. This switches the vector that stands for up in a 3D program. For example in 3DS Max the Z is up but in toher programs like XSI Y is up. You'll have to play with this to get this to work with your app. I hope that helps.

  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    ahhh thanks guys.

    the other thing i can't seem to get the hang of is the macro feature... i guess it's to do with all the micro details like porous skin and things like that... but i can't figure out how to use it =/
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    thanks fr that sage, being having problems myself with flipped obj export. what a pain
    Have they not heard the expression, if it aint broke etc
  • indian_boy
    [ QUOTE ]
    Ok so after gettin over the fact that saving as a ZB doccument, all i end up with is a 2d image which i can't manipulate in future, and have thus wasted my last 2 hours.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    lol.... yeah that tends to be irritating right?

    as for your UV maps being rotated etc. i think u can set ZBrush so that when u import a mesh [or export a normal map], it knows which program the 'thing' is going to / coming from. That way, it flips everything right side up just before export/import just for that software.

    well, at least i think..... never tried it myself cuz i went over to Mudbox after a few tries at ZedBrush
    maybe some1 else knows?
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    Actually they changed the Zbrush 3 preferences options a bit from 2. I remember in 2 you could set the import export options for the images as well as the model, maybe in 3 they have it all together. You can save your preferences as well, I forget if now Zbrush 3 remebers them without have to save, but in to you had to save them once and all was good. The only other thing I have had happen in Zbrush that was wierd as shit, was having the obj come in too damn big, which would throw off Z mapper. Once I set the import and export settings the way Zbrush likes it to be, I had no problems. Zbrush is one of those programs where you have to do it it's way or the high way kind of deal, so reading the instructions is a must. I hate how they changed the tutorials in zbrush 3 from how they used to be. I enjoyed watching them more but whatever. Reading is fun too... sort of at times wink.gif

  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    the zbrush info site is very helpful, i've learned a bit from it.

    new questions:
    is there any way to make your masked selection invisible? i've found that working on a very large creature is a real pain in the ass, as i can't rotate directly around a specific part of the mesh at all times (i have come to hate the zbrush camera).

    failing that, is there a way to operate the zbrush camera more like 3dsmax, or mudbox? like... it rotates around your center of view, and not around the center of the document?
  • Ruz
    Offline / Send Message
    Ruz insane polycounter
    you can rotate around your last brush stroke, by turning on 'local'
    you can hide selection by selecting whilst pressing shift and control, then deselect shift key. the selection should turn red. takes a while to get the hang of.
  • fritz
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    fritz polycounter lvl 18
    go to Transform and place your cursor over "S.Pivot" and hold the control button on your keyboard down. you'll get some info there.
    also, if you click the "local" button(you should see this on the right of the screen)....then pick a point on your model and click once....you can rotate around that area.

    hope this makes sense and helps
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