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Maya[n] Woes

I recently recieved a new computer for graduation, and since I've had nothing but trouble with Maya. It took much longer than I would have thought necessary to transfer my liscence...but it finally got transferred...but I've been met with a new problem that I simply don't know how to fix.


As the image shows, when I select an object, it becomes xray. This, for me personally, makes modelling difficult.
Is there a setting that needs to be changed to fix this? Or maybe it's something to do with hardware compatibility, or software compatibility(I'm running Vista now)...I don't know.
Any help will be greatly appreciated...I'm really itching to model something....


  • rooster
    Offline / Send Message
    rooster mod
    maya in vista works normally for me, but who knows..

    check the custom polygon display dialogue (think its in display>polygons), and make sure all the settings are how you want then hit apply- see if that does anything?
  • Tulkamir
    Offline / Send Message
    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    Other things you may want to try -

    Run it in windows 2000 compatability mode. (Right click the shortcut to maya, go to compatabiliy

    Turn on polygon transparency sorting in the shading menu of your viewport.

    Make sure your video card drivers are compatible. Maya doesn't play well with a lot of nVidia drivers specifically. There are certain versions which seem to work better, though I forget which they are.
  • Penzer
    Offline / Send Message
    Penzer polycounter lvl 17
    Also make sure that you don't have X-ray turned on in Shading
    > Xray.
  • Nato_VanDookie
    Thanks for your help...I went into Custom Polygon Display and tried a few things and got it to the point where I can do what I want...granted I have to get rid of the grid...but it's not all that important.

    Thanks again for your suggestions.
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