I've been working on this for a while now (i.e. too long), and was kind of on the fence as to whether or not I should post it. It's pretty boring, but I more or less just wanted some feedback on the proportions of the head. I'm sure everyone on
#model_design is sick of seeing it by now, so maybe a second opinion will do me some good.
I plan on using it as a base for future (human) head sculpts, so I wanted it to keep it looking fairly generic and simple. The polygon distribution is pretty even, and it's constructed entirely from quads (a feat which was harder than I had anticipated). It weighs in at 3,050 triangles (not counting the eyeballs).
Any comments or criticisms are greatly appreciated. Maybe I'll post some finished sculpts that I get out of it when I'm done.
I think maybe I'll do as you suggested, and just scrap the head and keep working on understanding anatomy better. Maybe some studies on paper will do me good.
Thanks for the comments, guys. They're definitely appreciated.
Yes i do agree that sculpting a box in mud or Z will help improve your artistic skills (faster than traditional modeling) but dont leave technical aspect aside, it's just as important.
I agree with Phil: use and abuse this one, it's better than a box because you will have a headstart on the features. You can always go back and rebuild the topo when you are done with the sculpt.
I think I'll try taking the mesh into Mudbox, maintaining the generic look, while tweaking the proportions until they're correct. I could always just export it as an .obj when I'm done and use the tweaked mesh as my base for future sculpts.
I'll post some more updates soon.