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Crevice/dirt map generation

polycounter lvl 20
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poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
I've been trying to integrate Crevice maps into my next-gen process. I am having a hell of a time finding a good workflow for this using either Maya, max, or a cheap third party program (no lightwave or XSI). It needs to respect intersection objects (something quickdirt for max doesn't do), and be a true Crevice map generation, not a hack or trick preferably. Something akin to Zbrush's crevice map generation in Zmapper, but that will work on multiple objects of various polycounts being baked onto an arbitrary low.

Anyone have any good solutions they care to show?

I'm going to try playing around with this: http://www.lightengine3d.com/index2.html but it requires maya 7 or before.



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