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Concert of Awesome

polycounter lvl 17
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Uly polycounter lvl 17
Tonight, Roger Waters (formerly of Pink Floyd) appeared at GM Place in Vancouver for what was a fucking kick your dick into your eyeballs concert. Advertised was the album, Dark Side of the Moon, one of Floyd's best, which would prove to be a good night. Got so much more than we paid for.

Went with another Polycounter. Anybody else go?

Pics pics pics! (Sorry for shitty quality. Cellphone doesn't take best pics.)

Calm before the storm.

Rock and Roll 'splosion onstage. Waters starts out with "In the Flesh".

Just when things couldn't get any more awesome, the infamous flying pig appeared in a goddamn beam from heaven.

Another piggie shot. This thing was awesome. There were astronaut ones as well, but I didn't get a photo.

Awesome laser scan of crowd. How do you make lasers 'more' awesome?

You have a giant prism from the album cover drop down... Which also shoots lasers.

Some guy salutes the performance.

Concert wraps up. Amazing encore followed, ending with Comfortably Numb.

Good fucking day.


  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    I think he was or has played around here sometime ago / soon... was kinda bummed cause the stadium he was gonna play at is the same one I saw the Rolling Stones at back in high school, and while it would be neat to see this, I don't think I'd enjoy the venue from way the hell back.

    Either way... Floyd effin' rocks. smile.gif
  • mikebart
    he came here too, I missed it though frown.gif,
    if you ever get a chance to see the Pink Floyd experience, do it man, they're a cover band but they put on an awesome show, lazers, explosions and all that, they sound pretty bang on too.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    Fuck! I'm jealous.

    Looks like an awesome show.
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    James you lucky bastage! Looks like a hell of a time.
  • hobodactyl
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    hobodactyl polycounter lvl 18
    When I saw the thread title I knew you had gone to the same concert! I actually went to the one in Vegas. I flew out with my friend and his parents, it was definitely the best concert I've been to. The pig rocked wink.gif
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Damn, must've been sweet! But expensive huh? Looks like a huge venue and you were in the nosebleed section, could you clearly see what was going on on-stage?
  • Quasar
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    Quasar polycounter lvl 19
    Oh yes, we could see clearly, until we realized there was no surreal stage setup with a giant whiskey bottle, it was just a screen... Amazing show though!
  • Uly
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    Uly polycounter lvl 17
    Heheh. It wasn't bad for what we got, but the higher end tickets were getting quite pricey. Wasn't exactly financially stable when the tickets were purchased, so got what I could. (Worth every effin' penny though.)

    : ( I could see a vague blur, I forgot to bring my glasses along with me, but they had large screens that were easier to read at the distance. Like Quasar said, they had this weird projection on the screen area, that looked like a surreal, cozy wooden stage, with a giant bottle of skotch, with a giant glass for drinking said skotch. Very confusing, until it started moving.

    That being said, wear your glasses to concerts!
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