I am VERY proud to introduce Layne Marie Dygert (AKA Pickle). She was born on 06-09-2007 at 10:08 PM after 36hrs of labor. We have been home for a while and everyone is doing great. It feels so weird to be away from work and a computer for so long...
Weight: 06 lbs 14oz (7 lbs 3oz as of yesterday)
Length: 19.00 in.

Congrats, dude, she is a healthy looking booger. ;D
Go Go Gaget Family!
Congrats on your new addition.
It's brought me a lot closer to my son and made me enjoy my time with him a lot more.
Congrats again and best of luck to you.
Sincerely all the best is to come brother
Huge congrats on the healthy kid. Glad to hear that all are doing well
I will catch up!
Congrats man!
With all the June births I'm thinking September is PCBS (PolyCount Breeding Season).
Good to hear that both the mother and bub are healthy and well.
P.S.:Pickle nickname is win!