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fantasy tank design

polycounter lvl 18
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dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
well, slapping together a fantasy tank, working on the design.
trying to fit it with some contemporary components, while giving it some interesting shapes.
this is more of a concept than a model though, any artsy-fartsy feedback like the visual "balance" and such would be appreciated :P.

hehe, teasing.


i need to work more on the details on the hull side, going to fix the tool stowage baskets, and external fuel tanks,
and giving the rear skirts some more weight and natural looks. and the front need a few tankish details too. i'm thinking about adding an extra roadwheel, so that the weight of the vehicle balances more properly too.
whats currently gnawing the most on my bones are the front sideskirt shape.


  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    dude why the GI renders ? just post a screengrab from your modeling aplication , and one with wire wink.gif cant really say much about it since the GI fudges it.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Looks pretty cool to me, I like the shapes and sleekness of it, looks like a believable design.
    Perhaps a little too "standard" for my tastes, I reckon if you're going for a nonexistant fantasy style, you could push it a lot more into the "cool" factor and away from modern-day designs while still keeping it believable.
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    hehe im doing a fantasy tank at mo, mines VERY different,

    like it so far but it is a liitle too conservative for me,

    maybe try moving the main body backwards (or maybe forwards) so that it sits on its haunches (if that make sense) give it more purposefull look and balance out that huge dong.

    my tank would not be able to pee next yours in the lav, its barrel just isnt big enough
  • ghost-d
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    ghost-d polycounter lvl 18
    One logical mistake I have found:
    Don´t know what´s that close behind the tank turret (maybe gas reservoir like in T-72, or something), but it doesn´t seem to be it´s part. Looks like it was fixed to the body of the tank. But the turret couldn´t rotate that way, so the tank would be very vurnelable.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    johny: i didn't intend for this to be a proper model, way too much poly-wastage currently anyways, since i'm partially modeling the interior to tell what exterior details will look like, so thats why the GI's and no wires.
    i'm more interested in getting comments on the design.
    mop: well, i kinda like modern day designs.
    its mostly fantasy, partly functional. i could give some rough armour figures, weight estimations and such.
    Shepeiro: the gun is an ukrainian 120mm L50 kbm2 gun capable of firing nato-standard ammunition, and yes, its pretty long. but the germans put a longer pecker on their latest leopard (L55) so why shouldn't i be allowed to?

    ghost-d: logical mistake?

    thats what is called a "turret bustle".
    on my tank, the turret bustle consists of an ammunition storage magazine and autoloader+ stowage boxes for the crew.
    by "gas reservoir" do you mean fuel drums?
    on the T-72, you can detach those with a button in the drivers compartment. they're only there to extend range while doing roadmarches.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    aside from the two panels you added over the treads, there's really nothing about this tank that suggests fantasy.
  • ghost-d
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    ghost-d polycounter lvl 18
    Ok, I just said that it didn´t seem to me that it´s the part of the turret. From this view I can see it better. And I´ve already seen a tank, so I know what´s that "turret bustle" for. I just wanted to help you a bit in case it wasn´t part of the turret.
    The T-72 I used only as an example so I didn´t have to describe it all by words.
    And yes, by the "gas reservoirs" I meant fuel drums... Unfortunately, english language is not my "native" language.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    and english language is not my native language either. i'm norwegian wink.gif
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    minor detail update, made the front mudguards a bit more upswept and detailed, added fuel tank behind that,
    and added GPS protection shields.
  • animatr
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    animatr polycounter lvl 18
    i think that is very cool! kind of reminds me of the bat mobile in batman begins. i think it's just that paneling, but i really like that style. good work mate!
  • jaalto
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    jaalto polycounter lvl 13
    Nice one Dejawolf.

    Silhouette reminds me a bit of T-72 I used to drive years ago grin.gif
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    hah, weird, i know another finnish T-72 tanker. he used to be a gunner.

    yeah, the design is a bit russian, but i tried to remedy some problems with the russian design, such as small elevation range, and the weakness in the armour where the coax is located(i put the coax on the roof)
    and also added some features from the black eagle, detacheable ammunition bustle for one.
    i also made the hull-bottom V-shaped, to increase protection against mines, and simultaneously make the lower hull-sides better protected, which afaik is pretty unique,
    and then i put fuel tanks in there as sponson boxes.
    it will probably create a bit of a blaze if the fuel ignites due to a mine or IED explosion, so thats a thing i'm pondering about.
    oh, anyways, i'm going with a more western armour approach,
    thick batches of composites instead of ERA, although i could add some kontakt-5 ERA for the side skirts.
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