I'm just finishing school and just got my demo reel and website done.
Feedback on everything would be appreciated. Especially if something on the site isn't working. This is only the start of my portfolio work as far as I'm concerned.
-otherwise, I agree with Johny. The page should at least load up showing the gallery, and your best image. The sooner your work is seen, the better.
Your content isn't bad, but there is nothing there that really stands out, IMO. Keep on working at your skills though, I definitely think you have potential.
The rule of thumb should always be can you as good or better looking shit than what you see in the current games you play? If no then don't apply yet, practice until you are then when the answer changes to yes then start looking for work.
You look about 6 months to a year off depending on how fast you improve your skills. I don't see anything "next gen", and thats what you need to show you know.