Jack "Gauss-Chan-Fancy-Pants-Man" Monahan showed up earlier this past weekened, consumed many alchoholic beverages and oddly enough seemed to just show up and start messing with our tools, telling people what to do and generally just acting like he owned the place. Apparently thats a good way to get a job. Will post some random pictures sometime tonight or tomorrow!
So congrats Jack, if i was a little bit gayer i would totally do you, and i'm sure you'll make a great addition here at 8monkey Labs.
thanks to EQ and all the rest of the monkeys... i'm their new level designer. suckers!
congrats man!
Congrats man.
Congrats man thats awesome.
well done, sir.
okies im a noob.....*waits for the big playground bullies to laugh
Anyway again gratz dude.
stay cool man !
Congrats Guass dude about time.
okies im a noob.....*waits for the big playground bullies to laugh
Anyway again gratz dude.
[/ QUOTE ]
He'll be in more of a gameplay planing-level design role, planing out the flow of levels, placing pre-made assets and setting up scripting/ai stuff. And of course doing some concepting work, his vision and conceptual skills are really a great tool for someone doing the type of work he will be, because in essance the level designer is the person who's going to be(more than anyone) responsible for the feel of the game, the mood you can set, how things play out, etc.
No really, way to go! Enjoy!
designer though=) of levels indeed=)
Congrats Gauss, well deserved. Enjoy it!
anyway, grats dude!!
poor gauss
[/ QUOTE ]
Poor Gauss? Think of all the steampunk references EQ & company are going to have to put up with now! Suddenly the Civil War is going to have giant mecha rummaging through the battlefield! Oh, the humanity of it all!
Congrats dude!
Have fun with the monkeys.
craig showing his disaproval of jack's nether-regions
amazing feets of amazement!
and disgust
Craig and Elena showing just how creapy they can be to the unsuspecting
the aftermath of night 1
and the rest are here:
About damn time you uploaded those.
especially to my new co-workers and generally entertaining iowans (is that the word?). i'm pumped to be on a project with such talented people and a great toolset--just wait till you see mah levels!