New BABY! Ava Dennis Singh was born June 12 at 1:18 pm.
She weighed in at a tiny 5lbs 3 ounces. She's tiny but
strong. Autumn's doing great and things couldn't have gone

Autumn still looking gorgeous after 5 hours of labor.

This pic was taken just a few hours ago when I picked up my ladies from the hospital.
Congrats, Josh. Many well wishes to you and your family.
congrats dude
Glad the girls are both healthy. That's the important thing. So have you showed her max or maya yet? I sit my boy down next to me when I work. Sometimes strapped down... Life's good in maine
Yeah my wife doesn't know I posted these pics, She'll probably make me take em down once she knows, but really who's wife frequents the Polycount boards? lol.
Whenever I work at home the kids are so interested. I used to work with my oldest daughter on my lap, she used to move the mouse and have her hand on the keyboard like she knew what she was doing. I tried working with my little boy on my lap but he's too hyper, plus he took a pen to my lcd monitor and pissed me off, so his watching daddy work privileges are strained.
We're sorta-kinda considering having a third monster, but it's too tiring just thinking about raising another.
Ave is a rocking name, me likes.
congrats you two, childbirth is always tricky business... so God bless and have fun with the wide new world of child-rearing
I sense if you wife were to read this thread she might have something to say about "a tiny 5lbs 3 ounces".
Good work on the baby, too
Congrats on the hot wife, Josh!
Good work on the baby, too
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haha I so did not want to be the first to say that! Congrats again...
Time to make another!
- BoBo
And congrats on the kid, great name!
Keep up the good work there Josh.