Thanks guys. 22 feels old I suspect there will be much drinking tonight in order to make me younger.
Heres my blog post of the year:
I just finished up by Junior year of college. For the summer I've got 2 internships, one at Naked Sky, and the other at Heavy Iron. At Naked Sky Im working on level design and a bit of prop creation with UE3. At Heavy Iron Im doing in game cinematic animations. Im working full time and not getting paid by either of them but at least Im learning a ton and getting a lot better. Im also doing some freelance work on the side and working on my senior thesis for next year. I've begun to make it a habit of going to art shows at night every week and enjoying the free booze they pass out, which I expect I'll end up doing tonight too before I hit the bars. I know I haven't posted any art in a long ass time, but I'm hoping to start dumping some crazy shit soon for your enjoyments. I'll definitely end up having a year long oversized senior thesis thread for all of you soon
Anyways, thanks again for the b-day wishes. I'll have to go find a girl like the one Jesse posted and make sweet love to her all night.
Happy Birthday dude. Stay away from girls that look like that yo! Jesse's taste in weemenz be whack! Then again, more cushion for the pushin'.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hey now you bastard. My wife is hawt... and she sure as hell doesn't look anything like that chick...nasty...haha
I just thought Aesir might like her. Who knows.
PS. Why Jesse....why?
happy B day Dude!
Happy Birthday Aesir
happy birthday
Heres my blog post of the year:
I just finished up by Junior year of college. For the summer I've got 2 internships, one at Naked Sky, and the other at Heavy Iron. At Naked Sky Im working on level design and a bit of prop creation with UE3. At Heavy Iron Im doing in game cinematic animations. Im working full time and not getting paid by either of them
Anyways, thanks again for the b-day wishes. I'll have to go find a girl like the one Jesse posted and make sweet love to her all night.
Jesse, I hope you get castrated for that.
Happy Birthday dude. Stay away from girls that look like that yo! Jesse's taste in weemenz be whack! Then again, more cushion for the pushin'.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hey now you bastard. My wife is hawt... and she sure as hell doesn't look anything like that chick...nasty...haha
I just thought Aesir might like her. Who knows.
You get those nerf guns yet?
Artist - Kaos Studios