WTF, I used to be able to save over files in photoshop now in CS2 when I record and action to save over my targa file it save with a copy instead of just letting me save over it like I used to. It's pretty annoying to have to do an extra step because some a hole programmer decided to change this. Is there a way around this? It reminds me of when they decided to change how to save alphas in targa files when Photoshop 7 came out very annoying. Thanks.
1. Save a copy of my source psd file in this case c_core.psd and saved it as c_core copy.psd
2. Flatten image
3. save as my targa in my case c_core.tga
4. close
5. stopped recording and added a function key as a shortcut.
I figured others might have this problem so I decided to share my solution. Any thoughts are welcome.
I made an Action for this as well, the same basic thing but a bit shorter/quicker, and not filename-dependent...
1. Flatten
2. Delete Alpha2 (etc.)
3. Save as TGA.
4. Go back 2 steps in History (more if you deleted more Alphas).
Okay stopping now cause I just got back from working my 13 hr shift at Walmart and don't want to sound like a total ass, but damn what the hell!
I have a pain in the neck from this aspect of Photoshop at work when working on textures, so I fiddled around one time and made a script which saves out tga and/or jpg (with optional rescaling factor for the jpg).
you can noodle around in the file and change things to 0 or 1 to make it do different stuff.
All you have to do is make an action of running the script from within Photoshop and whack it on a hotkey. Saves me time and stress, often.
so if your filename is texture_something.tga, it works fine (!)
therefore I only use the action with the flattenning and stuff for the ones I can't use underscore with.