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How to avoid saving with copy.

polycounter lvl 20
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Sage polycounter lvl 20
WTF, I used to be able to save over files in photoshop now in CS2 when I record and action to save over my targa file it save with a copy instead of just letting me save over it like I used to. It's pretty annoying to have to do an extra step because some a hole programmer decided to change this. Is there a way around this? It reminds me of when they decided to change how to save alphas in targa files when Photoshop 7 came out very annoying. Thanks.



  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    Well I kind of found a work around to this problem. I made a new action with some extra steps. Here is my solution.

    1. Save a copy of my source psd file in this case c_core.psd and saved it as c_core copy.psd

    2. Flatten image

    3. save as my targa in my case c_core.tga

    4. close

    5. stopped recording and added a function key as a shortcut.

    I figured others might have this problem so I decided to share my solution. Any thoughts are welcome.

  • Eric Chadwick
    The save-as-copy is happening because the file has layers or multiple alphas or whatever features that aren't supported by the format you want to save into. Remove those and the Copy name goes away.

    I made an Action for this as well, the same basic thing but a bit shorter/quicker, and not filename-dependent...

    1. Flatten
    2. Delete Alpha2 (etc.)
    3. Save as TGA.
    4. Go back 2 steps in History (more if you deleted more Alphas).
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    Eric in photoshop 7 this didn't happen. I used to work on my psd file with layers and save as targa all the time. I currently have no alphas. If you did a save as you had the option to save as copy or to replace whatever file you wanted. Glad you posted your action to bypass this.

  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    Ya this drove me nuts in CS2, and I was hoping it was fixed in CS3. . . :::sigh:::
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    Tumerboy I really hate when Adobe decides to screw crap up that worked fine since version 4. That's the first time I used the program back in 1998, now they screw with file saving again! mad.gif They did it with seven and people got pissed because you couldn't save targas with alphas like you used to they had to patch it and they do it again with cs 2. I think I'm going to send them a freaking email cause it's a load of BS, yea I mean bullshit. Why can't they fix shit that doesn't work, like the god damn hack of short cut assigning job they did with CS. Oh you can add your own short cuts, but only how we want you to BS, and not how the damn user prefers to set shit up. You must use control and some other combination for shit to work. I hate them for the crap they have been putting out lately. Pay more for CS extended, you have 3D layers except it's another damn hack.....mad.gif

    Okay stopping now cause I just got back from working my 13 hr shift at Walmart and don't want to sound like a total ass, but damn what the hell! mad.gif Sorry sometimes I need to vent wink.gif going to sleep now cause I have to be at work at 4pm until 7 am tomorrow and don't feel like driving off the highway. wink.gif
  • cw
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    cw polycounter lvl 17
    hey guys.

    I have a pain in the neck from this aspect of Photoshop at work when working on textures, so I fiddled around one time and made a script which saves out tga and/or jpg (with optional rescaling factor for the jpg).

    you can noodle around in the file and change things to 0 or 1 to make it do different stuff.

    All you have to do is make an action of running the script from within Photoshop and whack it on a hotkey. Saves me time and stress, often. smile.gif
  • Chai
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    Chai polycounter lvl 18
    don't ask me why, but if you append an underscore something to your filename the action doesn't use the "save as copy" function.

    so if your filename is texture_something.tga, it works fine (!)
    therefore I only use the action with the flattenning and stuff for the ones I can't use underscore with.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    previous last post, was over a year ago.
  • Chai
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    Chai polycounter lvl 18
    Oh excuse me for sharing something helpful I've found out, next time I'll be sure to keep it to myself.
  • Eric Chadwick
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