im working on some animations for a game, and i used splines as controllers and set the constraints from the bones to them. now, when fbx exports it doesnt keep the constraints, so the bones dont move.
so is there a way to either bake in the animations before i export, or a fix to this problem.
In Maya, there is a simple 'Bake simulation' option under Edit > Keys. This does what we need, takes the keyframes from the spline controllers and bakes them down to the bones, ready for export to the engine.
The rig is in 3ds Max and the FBX exporter won't exprt the constraints.
Does anyone know of a script that does something similar?
AFIK, point cache in 3ds Max converts animation to vertex animation so the model is no longer bone driven.
I'm using Maya and trying to export to .fbx to get it all into an engine called Beyond Virtual. (pretty much having the same problem :-\, plus my weights aren't exporting correctly either
I actually looked at this today w/ no luck. I have selected the bones and helper objects (splines constrained to bones, and IK chains), did a 'Save Animation' then a 'Load Animation'. All key frames are staying on the helpers and being baked to the bones.
Am I missing something?
Thanks again!
Select all the bones, turn on Listener, rightclick on the time slider bar, make rotation/position keyframes, move to next frame. Select the Listener output, drag to a toolbar, test.
There's probably script out there that does this already.
I tried setting Rotation, Position, and Scale keys for each frame on all bones. No luck there either. You'd think it would simply take any and all info on the bone and put it in a key frame but it's still relying on the helpers and IK.
scoll down or do a ctrl F to find bake animation. there is a link in there for a script. looks like it should definitely work since it's asking you to pick the node to bake, then the node to bake onto.
good ole google:
scoll down or do a ctrl F to find bake animation. there is a link in there for a script. looks like it should definitely work since it's asking you to pick the node to bake, then the node to bake onto.
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We looked at this a while back. The script is far too tedious for a full rig. We did however find a more complete script and are now just ironing out the bugs to get what we want. This has proved to be a nightmare w/ 3ds max.
I'm really baffled as well, as to why simply keying every frame w/ all bones selected didn't work.
Thanks for the ideas!
The controllers can subvert this, at the controller level, for particular needs, but in the end the regular hierarchy is a key requirement to rebuild the skeleton on export.
Might not help, but one thing we got to work in our own Max exporter was the ability to export any skeleton, no matter what controllers were used or how many keyframes, just by making sure the bones are linked in a regular forward hierarchy.
The controllers can subvert this, at the controller level, for particular needs, but in the end the regular hierarchy is a key requirement to rebuild the skeleton on export.
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this was actually one of the issues we're trying to solve now. The current script does a great job of baking any and all animation down to a duplicate rig. However, the bones are not linked in a hierarchy thus on export it all breaks.
Thanks for the heads up!
I really can't understand how others haven't had this issue. Studios just all write custom tools? They use Maya?