Ive been painting more in PS lately, and the failings of the scaled down crappy color selection palette are becoming more apparent to me ever day.
I would LOVE to get some kind of color wheel plugin like in Painter, or really anything that doesnt require the amount of fine noodling to get the color i want.
Anyone have any leads for me?
mac version of ps have some color ring, you know=)
I'd love to have a large (eg. scalable) colour picker (like the one you get when you click your foreground/background-colour thingy to assign to a Function-button so i could have a near-fullscreen one. Also, i wouldn't mind if they'd add midi/osc-message control to PS, so you could link actual tangible sliders or knobs to hsb-sliders (or anything, really. brushsize would be excellent as well)
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Yeah even something as simple as that large color window but that sticks around would be way better. Using HSB is about as good as it can get right now and accurate color picking on that tiny strip is pretty futile.
As for the midi idea, Hooooly shit, why didn't i think of that. I would love something like that. you can get some nice small midi consoles with 5 or 6 knobs/sliders that would be perfect for that sorta thing.
We need to petition Adobe. Apparently they are unaware that people paint in their app.
what i found so far
I know the principle, but i haven't actually used it yet, so enlighten us!
about the midi-integration:
it *would be amazing, wouldn't it? Especially since the Wii can be made to send midi or osc (which is essentially a newer, more advanced midi-like language, largely unsupported though) through things like glovepie
Not that this'd be usefull, but a small midi-controller with a handfull of knobs and sliders would be fantastic for this purpose.
And for the colour-picker i was thinking of something like how i have my brushes-palette set up. I've got it dragged over my entire canvas-area, and i toggle it with F5, and i'd love to have a very large colourpicker to do the same.
To whoever said "they must not know people paint in their app", yeah, that certainly seems to be the case.
Speaking of plugins we want, i want Portalgraphics to make a PS plugin with their brush-engine. Their colour-mixing is quite lovely, and a hassle-free way of just using it every now and again in PS would be a god-given.
umm, let's look on some cool color swatches then.
This looks pretty cool, too bad it's Mac only.
This one has a color wheel, dunno if it's any good.