But everyones posting acronyms? I am a bit confused by the above and
>(*(d) be original (i.e., don't just submit another acronym similar to the first game*)<
So we can submit acronyms or it would be in our best interest to stray away from them? If that is the case I found mine and will post all works the 23rd in this thread.
For real I submitted
Project Origin: Alma Mater
[/ QUOTE ]
Was she actually called Alma Mater, or is that your clever naming, Hito? If that is the case, there are some interesting directions to take the title. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alma_mater
I'd always assumed it was from the Spanish word for "Soul".
You know.. I bought this game after I upgraded my system. Runs flawless. Only problem is the cheap scare tactics make me piss my pants. Atmosphere is one thing, but popping images up fullscreen and blaring a random sound is kinda lame. Startles me so much I cant play. It's like those stupid flash movies that have you focus on something only to blast you with fullscreen zombie/loud noises. My chest started hurting after a while : /
Sorry ill pass unless you can mod out the stupid pop up images/sounds. Good luck though.
Project Origin is bland as all get out, but not nearly as bad as every single other name in that presentation.
why did i watch a video of game devs sitting around laughing about their retarded community? TGZ, i hope this teaches your company a lesson about expecting anything from their fanboys. other than retard babies. you can count on getting those.
Second Encounter Assault Recon.. I mean its only natural.
The next one can be TEAR then FEAR again.
like i said before, Miles. oh sorry, wrong thread.
[/ QUOTE ]
Beat me to it!
( this one came from my ass )
make sure you add that .0, makes it look all cool and shit
EDIT: oops, just read about the name issue.
No One's Dead Forever
No One Dies Forever
Project Origin Gun Ops: Mother Ain't Dead
For real I submitted
Project Origin: Alma Mater
- Acronyms
But everyones posting acronyms? I am a bit confused by the above and
>(*(d) be original (i.e., don't just submit another acronym similar to the first game*)<
So we can submit acronyms or it would be in our best interest to stray away from them? If that is the case I found mine and will post all works the 23rd in this thread.
Edit: Is there anything to win??? Because the website doesn't work
hmm, how about
fuck i cant think of anything I need to know more =D
blood child
Or did it get hit that hard, as to go offline?
Scareing you
Blood 3
i never liked the completely nonsensical F.E.A.R. acronym. i'd go with KILLFRAME, or some other vaguely threatening but nonsensical title.
For real I submitted
Project Origin: Alma Mater
[/ QUOTE ]
Was she actually called Alma Mater, or is that your clever naming, Hito? If that is the case, there are some interesting directions to take the title.
I'd always assumed it was from the Spanish word for "Soul".
Anyway i'd probably have suggested : "Her"
Simple and scary if you know who it refers to
And if you add the Name of the first game you get "F.E.A.R. - Her".
And then it doesn't stand for anything.
Oh, wait..
Sorry ill pass unless you can mod out the stupid pop up images/sounds. Good luck though.
Just by itself I think its kinda lacking.
P.S.H.O.G.A.R. for short.
/me wants to fight inebriated pancake robots in Jamaica
All and all its a name i really could care less what it ended up as.
why did i watch a video of game devs sitting around laughing about their retarded community? TGZ, i hope this teaches your company a lesson about expecting anything from their fanboys. other than retard babies. you can count on getting those.