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Epidermal, subdermal, micro structure, etc - maps

polycount lvl 666
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PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
I've been trying to further my understanding of rendering techniques and advanced map types for a while now. However, I've run into a number of map types that I cant seem to find good sources of information on. I was wondering if someone here would be willing to shed some light on on the uses and possibly methods of creation for any of the following:

Epidermal maps (Has some purpose when using SSS)
subdermal maps (Has some purpose when using SSS)
Weight maps (?)
Transmission mask (?)
Micro structure maps (seems to be some sort of tilable normal map)


  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 20
    not fully sure on all of them but

    Epidermal map: the external skin color. Basic diffuse you normally see with no shadowing.
    Subdermal map: the underlying blood and bone and such under the skin. The stuff that adds color and depth to real skin.

    Transmission mask: alpha value for how much light penetrates the exterior surface to the subdermal layer. Think of it as skin density. An area with lots of makeup will transmit less light than a plain skin surface, same for areas with lots of oil buildup.
    MicroStructure map: pores and such. The fine detail of the skin that won't be carried in a regular normal map. Also think of it as a detail texture.
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