So I'm feeling nostalgic today and installing a few old games, but (oh noes!) it seems that my Fallout 1 disc has seen better days. Would any of you wonderful people have the game and be able to send me the master.dat file? It's not small, 300mb or so, but I would be extremely appreciative if anyone can help

Sorry though, i can't help you, i don't actually have Fallout.
I think Fallout was released on a few abandonware sites, but i'm not sure on the legality of that. Then again, i'm pretty sure what you're asking is a bit dodgy as well, so --since you have the game--, maybe it's not such a bad idea?
Yes, I have the game you suspicious bastard
My brother left many of his games when he moved to the US, I'll have a dig through and see if he has Fallout 1. I know he has the second, so there is a chance of him having the first.
Guess you'll have to find someone else to break the law for you
I'll see if I have it still... I may have 2, like Lupus.
Unfortunately Master.dat doesn't compress very well, still 300mbish
EDIT: Sorry, cant find it
I've got Fallout now, you still after that file?