I think it ultimately depends on what kind of experience you're looking for. If you want to play first-person shooters and fighting games, you're probably better off with the Xbox 360 or the PlayStation 3.
On the other hand, if multi-player and party games are your thing, then the Wii might be right up your alley. Nintendo's lineup since Super Nintendo has always been a bit "meh" for me, so I suppose I'm partial to the others.
Do some research on GameSpot and IGN and see what games you're interested in and what consoles they're for. Asking here will get you a whole lot of other people's opinions, and not a lot of your own.
Like jgarland said. It really depends on what type of games you enjoy playing. The difference between the xbox 360 and the Wii are like the differences between an apple and an orange. Yeah, they are both consoles, but they're geared toward different audiences and ideas of gameplay. From my experience:
xbox 360 - Newest games have amazing graphics, a lot of varied games are coming out for it, so theres something for everyone. Somes games are good, others not so much.
Games played on the system:
Gears of War - A must play.
Call of Duty 3 - Since I've played GoW before this, all I can say is that its like a WWII version of GoW, but not with the same level of detail or gameplay.
Perfect Dark Zero - A stark contrast to Perfect Dark. I regret playing it.
Wii - Newest console on the block with the released games being hit or miss depending on what types of games you like, and the stuff you're willing to put up with.
Games played on the system:
Super Paper Mario - Nostalgic fun if you enjoyed Mario and don't mind a bit of RPG elements mixed in. Simplistically easy if you're older, and have played most of the original Mario games.
Wii Sports - Just plain fun if you enjoy the sports that it encompasses and don't have time/energy to actually go out and play them.
Mario Party 8 - If you've played any Mario Party its pretty much the same thing.
Trauma Center: Second Opinion - Fun and interesting up to level 3, fun from level 3-5, repetitive from level 5 up. Somewhere around Chapter 3 its like giving yourself a root canal without anesthesia by how awful the controls become, coupled with inane, overly complex puzzles that punish brutally for any mistake.
Wii is a party console. If you have lots of friends visiting regularly, Wii is really fun to have around.
Xbox 360 will be way better for enjoying yourself alone. It's network play capabilities is really good, you can connect to other people and play co-op games while staying alone in your room.
i bought the wii also to play some gamecube pearls ( eternal darkness, resident evil 4, the remake of resident evil 1 and wind waker ) when i pass these i guess better games will be on the market.
Twilight princess is amazing , Red steel is bullshit, but i dunno , i have fun playing it. Sonic and the secret rings is cool, but gameplay is awful.
Ohh, and $250 might not look like much...until you realize that Nintendo will rape you for those extra 3 wiimotes and nunchucks so that your friends can play too. $40 for the wiimote, and $20 for the nunchuck.
Look down a few and you'll see a comparison between each console. Then again, maybe you don't care about graphics It just seems like everyone loves the Wii at first, then the thrill fades away as the newness of the controller goes away.
I have one. I really like it. But I'm more into party/kiddy type games now that I have a child of my own. Some great games on the horizon for Wii though.
Super Mario Galaxy
Metroid Prime 3
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles - Chrystal Bearers
Harvest Moon
Animal Crossing
Spore (will probably be on all consoles though)
Zack and Wiki (adventure game with puzzle solving)
Mario Strikers: Charged (may be out now I think)
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Dragon Quest (this will be a wait and see though..on rails)
New Zelda in the works
Probably a new Mario Kart in the works
yeah wii is more of potential for me, not much out I like right now (although I LOVE the virtual console), but there are so many games coming out im looking forward to - like the 360
On the other hand, if multi-player and party games are your thing, then the Wii might be right up your alley. Nintendo's lineup since Super Nintendo has always been a bit "meh" for me, so I suppose I'm partial to the others.
Do some research on GameSpot and IGN and see what games you're interested in and what consoles they're for. Asking here will get you a whole lot of other people's opinions, and not a lot of your own.
xbox 360 - Newest games have amazing graphics, a lot of varied games are coming out for it, so theres something for everyone. Somes games are good, others not so much.
Games played on the system:
Gears of War - A must play.
Call of Duty 3 - Since I've played GoW before this, all I can say is that its like a WWII version of GoW, but not with the same level of detail or gameplay.
Perfect Dark Zero - A stark contrast to Perfect Dark. I regret playing it.
Wii - Newest console on the block with the released games being hit or miss depending on what types of games you like, and the stuff you're willing to put up with.
Games played on the system:
Super Paper Mario - Nostalgic fun if you enjoyed Mario and don't mind a bit of RPG elements mixed in. Simplistically easy if you're older, and have played most of the original Mario games.
Wii Sports - Just plain fun if you enjoy the sports that it encompasses and don't have time/energy to actually go out and play them.
Mario Party 8 - If you've played any Mario Party its pretty much the same thing.
Trauma Center: Second Opinion - Fun and interesting up to level 3, fun from level 3-5, repetitive from level 5 up. Somewhere around Chapter 3 its like giving yourself a root canal without anesthesia by how awful the controls become, coupled with inane, overly complex puzzles that punish brutally for any mistake.
Xbox 360 will be way better for enjoying yourself alone. It's network play capabilities is really good, you can connect to other people and play co-op games while staying alone in your room.
X360, good for mentioned above.
Wii, fun wuth friends as long as the wiimote doesn't fly into the TV screen.
Twilight princess is amazing , Red steel is bullshit, but i dunno , i have fun playing it. Sonic and the secret rings is cool, but gameplay is awful.
Look down a few and you'll see a comparison between each console. Then again, maybe you don't care about graphics
Super Mario Galaxy
Metroid Prime 3
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles - Chrystal Bearers
Harvest Moon
Animal Crossing
Spore (will probably be on all consoles though)
Zack and Wiki (adventure game with puzzle solving)
Mario Strikers: Charged (may be out now I think)
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Dragon Quest (this will be a wait and see though..on rails)
New Zelda in the works
Probably a new Mario Kart in the works
thank you guys.
You brainwashed me. I accidentally ordered one myself. Next week I'm going to challenge everyone in everything. ...
and realize...
I'm the best in tennis and play in the world wide cup next year.
ps3 aint got much