I gotta hand it to
google, their new street view is pretty bloody impressive.
I noticed at my address that my front door was open and it got me thinking how this opens an interesting can of worms. What If I was photographed walking out of it with someone I shouldn't be? Can I contact Google and pay 'em to airbrush her out?

LMAO ! you mean you check on google map to see if your front door is opened. Did you check if the oven was "off" too ?
Still, this is pretty amazing.
though you do bring up a good point about privacy. I suppose google's next step should be "Google Human" or something something like that.
And to think, all this time I had believed Daz was a back door man...
Hah, looks like some of the crew made a burger stop: http://blog.wired.com/monkeybites/2007/05/google_maps_str.html
Probably only a matter of time before something a bit more sensational than my open front door shows up...
very interesting though!
P.S - this kicks ass !