Been speaking with V recently about this and im not sure im gonna be able to afford it this year.
invested in a car not long ago,oviously ive spent most of my money on that and its gonna cost me almost 1000pounds (2000 dollars) to get across the lake.
I really can't afford that right now,plus ive got some issues at work so questionmarks hang over that as well.
I might be coming to America next year though with the family,talk of us going to Florida so my dad says I should start saving for taht possibility as well.
Everyone should exsperience the community of QuakeCon at least once,and may I make a suggestion if you come from the US and are going to QuakeCon,pick up asmuch beer as possible and hand it out to random passers by while sitting on the Hilton Patio...ull get a right motley crew together within minutes....and meet some cool people and have a damn good laugh.
Damn if I wasn't heading back out to San Diego for Comic Con and buying all kinds of things I would hit this up. Hmmm Maybe I can still work something out...
> Can't make it this year. Going to the QuakeCon costs me about a thousand dollars a trip, and being the dirt poor son of a bitch that I am, I can only afford to go every other year. Since I had the privilege of attending the 'Con in 2006, I'll do everything I can to go next time around. So to all who can make it this year, have a blast.
Whilst I'm greatly tempted, I still can't even get ahold of a passport. For some reason you have to be super rich and go through extreme lengths of interrogation in order to prove you are INDEED.. British.. Born & Bred.
I've been waiting ages for one only to get a letter saying I need to pay another £7... Inflation is amazingly fast these days.
I can see this taking a year or 5 so chances are I'll miss it this year
yep yall should come down, admition is totally free, you just have to register on the site if you don't want to wait in line forever to get a pass.
I Sure as hell hope you weren't around when I was plastered off my ass... You weren't were you? I swear to god I've never done that before. It's quake-con that brings it out! That and the chicken sandwiches at wendy's... especially when they are eaten in Mississippi... ugh i should have known...
On another note... yeah john that was pretty bad ass handing out beers in the bar. hahaha!
Been speaking with V recently about this and im not sure im gonna be able to afford it this year.
invested in a car not long ago,oviously ive spent most of my money on that and its gonna cost me almost 1000pounds (2000 dollars) to get across the lake.
I really can't afford that right now,plus ive got some issues at work so questionmarks hang over that as well.
I might be coming to America next year though with the family,talk of us going to Florida so my dad says I should start saving for taht possibility as well.
Everyone should exsperience the community of QuakeCon at least once,and may I make a suggestion if you come from the US and are going to QuakeCon,pick up asmuch beer as possible and hand it out to random passers by while sitting on the Hilton Patio...ull get a right motley crew together within minutes....and meet some cool people and have a damn good laugh.
> Can't make it this year. Going to the QuakeCon costs me about a thousand dollars a trip, and being the dirt poor son of a bitch that I am, I can only afford to go every other year. Since I had the privilege of attending the 'Con in 2006, I'll do everything I can to go next time around. So to all who can make it this year, have a blast.
I've been waiting ages for one only to get a letter saying I need to pay another £7... Inflation is amazingly fast these days.
I can see this taking a year or 5 so chances are I'll miss it this year
I may have to since I live in the DFW area now. How much is admission?
[/ QUOTE ]
FRREEEEEE!!!! I'm heading out to Siggraph that friday but I'll make it out for the first night for sure:D
scratch that, I have my months wrong... Might go, depends on who's going.
I Sure as hell hope you weren't around when I was plastered off my ass...
On another note... yeah john that was pretty bad ass handing out beers in the bar. hahaha!